
Viewing 1 - 20 of 224 results

Story And Collab News · 10:28pm Jun 7th, 2015

Let's get the non-collab thing out of the way first.

The Mature story I mentioned in a previous blog has been completed, and sent to the artist of the comic it is based on. Once he's read it and given me the go-ahead, I will post it here.

If you want to know what comic it is based on, click here (SFW link).

Now, onto the collab — and for those of you who were expecting to see it published today, I am very sorry to have disappointed you

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Report GeodesicDragon · 384 views · #collab

Collab Details Finalised · 7:53am May 7th, 2015

Number of people taking part (including me): 11! :pinkiegasp:

I am happy to report that signups for the collab are now officially open.

With some help, I have also decided on the title of the collab and created the story on Fimfiction:

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Report GeodesicDragon · 525 views · #collab

Wanna collab with me? · 10:46pm Jun 10th, 2019

Is their any clop writers out their that wanna collab with me to make a story about a very lewd Equestria that's open about sex and all the inhabitants are built like sex objects. It'll be between my human OC named RonI and whoever else wants to collab with me human OC's as well. They can be either male, female, transgender, femboys, futa's, whatever I just wanna make some very lewd content. If you're interested then please PM me for more details and we'll work something out.

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~Collaboration~ · 2:56am Sep 4th, 2021

Hello, I hope everyone’s having a nice day/night wherever you are!

My friend iAmSiNnEr and I have been, as you can probably tell from the title, planning a collaboration together. To put it simply, it’s a Roleswap with Celestia, Luna, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek and Discord as the main protagonists of the AU, Sunset as the canon Celestia, and her estranged lover, Twilight, in Luna’s place.

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Report Meowofy · 487 views · #Collab

Go Read This Stupid Fucking Meme Story That I Collabed On \o/ · 4:18am Jun 21st, 2021

Look at her goooooooooooooooooooo
Cover art by my super sweet lovely friend Xandra :heart:

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Report Scampy · 429 views · #collab

[Collab] Final Stretch! · 2:01pm Jun 17th, 2015

The deadline for submitting stories to the collab is now over. The following people did not submit any, and are therefore assumed to have dropped out of the project:

* keam
* Fictional Fanatic
* Sir Top Hat

Liquidfirest0rm is also yet to send me an Author's Note — but other than that, we can now enter the final stretch and finally get this dang thing published (if only to get me to shut up about it).

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Report GeodesicDragon · 426 views · #collab

40 Years · 9:49pm Feb 11th, 2023

A new chapter of 40 Years, hosted by bookhorse125, just came out! (Spoiler alert, I wrote it 😁)

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Report starcoder · 103 views · #Collab

Would anyone be interested in doing a collab? · 7:29pm Jan 16th, 2016

Would anyone be interested in doing a collab?

Just write stupid stories alongside me, Bendy?

Nothing serious, just nonsensical stories.

Edit: PM me and we'll see if can make a google doc for us all to join.

Report Bendy · 487 views · #collab

Collaboration Trifecta Complete · 1:52am Jul 10th, 2015

You know how I said I might rarely blog about collab clop? This is one of those times. Behold, I collaborated with Samey90, and together we created Scientific Analysis, a Derpy x Doctor fic, which I can't link because it is Mature and I have no mature fics to tag this with that wouldn't be abusing the tagging system. But I can link to his

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Report Bootsy Slickmane · 295 views · #collab

New Redheart, sort of · 6:32pm Jan 15th, 2023

Well, not entirely by me, but it's a collaboration between SockPuppet and yours truly – first of a few projects posted either here or on his account, with varying levels of insanity.

TAmbulance Inspection Rejection
Ponyville is a special town. Its ambulance requires special equipment.
SockPuppet · 2.2k words  ·  251  16 · 2.5k views

Fun fact about this one: it's loosely based on three real-life incidents I mentioned to Sock while gathering ideas. I'll let you guess what they were about.

Report Samey90 · 353 views · #collab

The Holiday Collab You Didn't Know You Needed · 6:13pm Dec 24th, 2018

I'm making this a very quick blog because I'm about to go out, but here it is: Me and SS&E were up last night at some stupid time in the morning, and we realised something: he has yet to release a collaborative story with anyone, or to write anything particularly sexual in nature. Plus, he kept bugging me to write a Hearth's Warming Eve fic, and I was repeatedly saying no.

[Adult story embed hidden]

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Collab And A Milestone · 2:36pm Jun 13th, 2015

First of all, I have created this spreadsheet, which details the current status of my collab. I am now imposing a strict deadline of JUNE 17TH on those of you who haven't sent your entries in yet. If you don't submit anything by then, I will assume that you have dropped out of the collab and remove you from the list.

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Pinkie X Spike Collab with Amethyst_Dawn · 11:42pm May 21st, 2018

Pinkie X Spike peeps, we've got a treat for ya. Me and my good friend of mine Amethyst_Dawn have made a romantic collab featuring Ponk and Spike :rainbowkiss:

Spike notices that Pinkie Pie is looking more supa fine than usual.

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Collab: Eight Days Left! · 8:37pm May 22nd

There's just eight days left to join The Two Hundred Words Collab. So far, eleven people - including me - are on board, matching the number who joined the last collab.

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Collab Sequel Announcement · 12:56am May 19th, 2018

T"But... I Made You!"
[COLLAB] Seven authors. Seven stories. One question. "How would you react if you met your OC?"
GeodesicDragon · 25k words  ·  52  2 · 2k views

Since there has been some interest in me organising a collab to write a sequel to this story, I am going to go ahead and announce that I am now officially accepting contributions for it.

Like the last one, though, there are rules:

1) You have until May 31st to write and submit your story.
2) Stories must be written in first person from the OC's point of view.

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Looking for collab writers · 1:59pm Jan 11th, 2018

Hello everyone as the post says I am looking for writers to do a collaboration with for a chronicle of events that happen before the E.S.D.E. storyline. I had planned to do it by myself but I see that it would be fun to see how others view the world I made.

So if you're interested in doing a collab for the E.S.D.E. series with me leave a comment below or message me for more details.

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Report Chaotic Flier · 309 views · #Collab #E.S.D.E

Collaboration Story · 6:59am Aug 30th, 2015

Hey guys! I'm doing a collab story with a friend called Sabby.

You can see the story here.

Sabby will be doing the odd numbered chapters, while I'll be doing the even numbered chapters. Check it out!

~ Dashie | Solar


Collab Is Back On! · 1:51pm Oct 26th, 2018


Collab with moi friend! · 10:25pm Jul 20th, 2020

Hey everypony! Me and my friend, Yourunclefuncle are working on a collab together! If ya wanna find it, the story is called:

EEverypony Loves Twilight
Random Book Day, Twilight's favorite day.... That is, until she reads a magical book that makes her friends fall hopelessly in love for her. One thing is for sure, she won't last the day.
YourUncleFuncle · 4.4k words  ·  31  0 · 901 views

Thanks again bud for letting me work with you!

Report Leafy · 179 views · #Random #collab

Made a collab · 6:09pm Apr 3rd, 2020

Hi guys! I am happy to announce that I made a collab with another author.

It's a mature story about Alice and Thunderlane.

Why? Because it was a thought I played with a long time ago and I find there are too few stallion on woman stories out there.

So, anyone interested (And old enough) have a go!

Report Bronycommander · 251 views · #Mature #Collab
Viewing 1 - 20 of 224 results