
Viewing 1 - 20 of 186 results

What are the Best Platforms for Running a Charity Ad Network? · 9:43am Last Wednesday

In today's digital age, charities and non-profits must leverage the power of online advertising to reach a broader audience and amplify their impact. With the myriad of ad networks and platforms available, it can be challenging to choose the best ones for running a successful charity ad campaign. This guide will explore the top platforms for a charity ad network, focusing on "7Search PPC" and other prominent

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Charity Story Up · 5:44am Sep 7th, 2017

It should be up shortly. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask away. It might be a bit of a rough start because September is always hell on earth for me, but we should be able to get there soon enough.

Thanks everyone, for your interest. This is a lot more coordinating than I thought it would be, but hey, from here on out, it's you donate money, I write what you want. Once I poke around a little, I think I should be able to find and offer a few additional rewards, too.

Report BlackRoseRaven · 303 views · #charity

Last Day for Donations · 8:02am Jan 31st, 2018

So, it's the last day to donate, and I'm going to drop all restrictions on the reward.

In other words:

1: Donate to Midwest Horse Welfare through the helpful Paypal link right near the top of the page.

2: Take a screenshot of your donation and send it to me through private message here, or email it to mjmcc [at] hotmail [dot] ca.

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 321 views · #charity

Charity Rewards Update · 3:28am Sep 20th, 2017

So I've found an artist who's agreed to do a bust shot as a reward for my little charity project. Once the charity story is finished, I'll raffle off the prize: I'm not sure how I'll break up entries at this point, but I'll try make sure it's fair. is the artist. I'm going to try and recruit a few more people too, or at least figure out more prizes I can raffle out at the end of this little experiment.

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 302 views · #charity

Charity Questions · 7:06pm Aug 24th, 2017

For those interested in donating: would you want to donate directly to the organization, or send the money to me so I could donate it directly myself?

The benefits of donating directly to the organization is that you know I'm not going to run off with it and it's a registered charity, so you can write it off if you keep the receipt. The drawback is you'll have to send me proof of your donation, although a screenshot would suffice.

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 365 views · #charity

The things we ask for friends. · 10:04am Aug 31st, 2018

So, I got a friend.
A real close friend.

A single mother of 2 that lives her life around her kids. They're about to be homeless if they can't get ahold of $7,000 CAD by Tuesday.

Rather they bought a new house and suddenly had the rug pulled out from under them in the form of 7k being loaned to her suddenly being unavailable. They're already spending a couple days without a home (extended sleepover for the kids, couch surfing for mom [including mine])

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Report KMCA · 300 views · #charity

Charity: Center for Disaster Philanthropy · 9:50pm May 22nd, 2020

So okay. Originally I was going to raise money for something closer to home but the barn has secured a grant that makes me less worried about it, and I think my efforts would be better focused here.

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 328 views · #charity

Charity Reminder · 6:42pm Dec 6th, 2017

So the charity event is still going on.

If you want to contribute, it’s very easy:

1. Donate to this organization. Help horses and feel good about yourself.

2. Drop me a message or send an email to mjmcc [at] hotmail [dot] ca (remember .ca, not .com) with a picture of your amount donated/or forward your verification email.

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 274 views · #charity

Charity Answers · 5:11pm Aug 30th, 2017

Alright, so here's what I've come up with so far:

The charity I've selected is the Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation. I'll put up links and stuff this weekend when I can set aside a bit more time for this project. I'm not affiliated with this charity in any way; I've researched them and accounts of what they do, and I've been pleased from what I've seen so far. The most important thing is that all the money will go towards care for their horses, who are all rescues.

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 291 views · #charity

Help Bring a Little Girl Home · 12:55pm Oct 29th, 2015

Hey Everyone,

Once again, it's time for us to show how awesome our hearts truly are.

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Report Level Dasher · 388 views · #charity

Signal Boost: Help Bring a Little Girl Home · 4:38am Oct 30th, 2015

Seriously: help save a child from the foster care system!
As of this writing, the campaign is only $100 short of its modest goal. Please chip and/or spread the word in if you can :scootangel:

You don't need to be a millionaire to change the world for the better. In this case a dollar could make a world of difference.

Report BlazzingInferno · 348 views · #charity

This Year's Charity. · 7:53pm Sep 2nd, 2017

Well, with the advent of September, it's time for a new charity project.
The charity is the Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation: the site is fairly generous with information, and they have a Facebook page you can check out if you want to see what they do.

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 551 views · #charity

Charity Results · 5:31pm Feb 2nd, 2018

So okay, we didn't quite make it where I wanted. My estimate is that I ended up with $250 in donations, which honestly isn't bad at all considering how busy I know it's been this year for many people and many other charities, and I'm very grateful for it. That and the fact that I got so many commissions means I'll be able to put some more money towards Midwest myself.

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 341 views · #charity

Updates and Plans · 5:48pm Jan 10th, 2018

So okay. Going to keep the charity thing going until the end of this month. I'll stop on the 31st: all you have to do is donate to Midwest Horse Welfare, through the link, send me a screenshot of your donation amount, and I'll write something for you. It can be a chapter of Cirque du Noir, or it can be something entirely for you. Either PM your screenshots to me here, or send them by email to mjmcc [at] hotmail [dot] ca. Please double check the .ca part

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 300 views · #charity

Still Time to Donate · 10:54pm Dec 28th, 2017

There's still some time to get in some donations before the end of the year!

Please consider donating. I'll probably keep running this project towards the end of January. Don't be afraid to ask if you have any questions, I'm always happy to respond and help.

Report BlackRoseRaven · 320 views · #charity

A Worthy Cause · 4:11pm Nov 13th, 2019

So recently it was brought to my attention that someone prominent within the community was in some dire straits financially.

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Report kildeez · 764 views · #charity

Ice Star's boyfriend's family needs help · 10:07pm January 9th

Ice Star began a GoFundMe to raise money for his boyfriend's family to buy a used car, because they live in the boonies and are disabled. His post on this is here; the gofundme is here. I don't know anything more than

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Report Bad Horse · 172 views · #charity

Skeeter needs help · 9:46pm January 28th

Probably you already know this, because I'm slow, but Skeeter needs help.

Report Bad Horse · 181 views · #charity

Charity art streaming! · 9:16pm Nov 1st, 2015

Edit: Now closed. Thanks to everyone who stopped by!

Hey there, peoples.

Some of you may know or recoginze the artist Celebi-Yoshi, who's responsible for a lot of really awesome art about ponies. Like this one:

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Charity Stuff I am doing · 4:40pm Feb 2nd, 2016

So I'm doing this charity donating thing for a cancer charity that does cancer research and who have people donate their hair for wigs. And if enough people donate to This page I will have my head shaved. And if you can't donate spread this around.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 186 results