
Viewing 1 - 20 of 96 results

Cancer · 8:47pm Aug 31st, 2016

I have Melanoma cancer, and it hurts very bad. But don't worry, I will be 95% fine since it is one of the most curable cancers out there, but I'm still scared that the impossible can happen and I can still die, the doctors said that I should live, but not a 100% sure.

I will update y'all on the situation soon



Fuckin' League · 4:05am Jun 21st, 2019

Gonna keep this one short and sweet: recently, I began to find my mojo again. Not entirely sure how I managed, as I don't exactly feel in a wonderful place right now, but hey, sometimes small miracles appear from seemingly nowhere.

In other words, I'm writing again. What's that got to do with the godawful cancer that is League of Legends? I'll tell you.

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Report An Intricate Disguise · 1,114 views · #Cancer

Metal Gear and Magic Tricks: Dream · 12:05pm May 9th, 2016

So, I had a weird dream last night. Here is what I can remember about it:

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Report Terrifying Space Worm · 1,888 views · #cancer

Oh My Gosh... plot generators. · 7:40pm Jun 18th, 2016

So, just for fun, I used a plot generator online to get a story idea. Basically, you just put in a couple names and a few adjectives and it uses that to make up a story blurb...

Here's what I got:

Spike Bloggs is a Sexy, Sleek and Sweet Doctor from Canterlot. His life is going nowhere until he meets Berry Punch , a Ripped, Beautiful woman with a passion for Alcohol.

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Report FamousLastWords · 540 views · #Cancer

Current status of Fimfiction's Featured Box: · 2:28am Nov 19th, 2016

Shitty clopfics with bait cover arts up in there 24/7. No effort required. Just bait people into liking your story.

>inb4 you're just being a jealous piece of shit

No, I'm tired of seeing absolutely no effort put into stories and yet they get praised like they're the goddamn best thing ever written. Where's the actual good written story? Where's the story where the author pours their heart and love into?

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Report Luz · 400 views · #cancer

Goodbye Toby Keith, American Legend · 1:30pm February 6th

Undoubtedly, if Toby Keith had ever done a tour in Equestria, Applejack would have been right there in the front row, whoopin' and a hollerin' as loud as possible. I think every high school in the US had a proud friendly guy like this, and we raise our red Solo cups in tribute to his last beer run. Salute!

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Report Georg · 512 views · #cancer

NATOstrike's cancer came back · 11:34pm Jan 20th, 2016

I should've posted this days ago, and I suppose everybody who (unlike me) knows him has read it already, but NATOstrike's cancer came back, worse than before. It sounds like he has extracranial metastatic malignant meningioma. All those long m-words sound funny together, but it's not funny. It's a kind of brain tumor that rarely turns cancerous, but in his case, it seems it has.

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Report Bad Horse · 682 views · #cancer

The REAL Recap of 2015 (+ Special Mentions ) · 9:23pm Jan 1st, 2016

So yeah, I'm pretty sure most of you didn't see the worst recap blog I've ever done in my entire life last night. That's for the best. Don't worry, I was perfectly safe and not in a state of alcoholism, so it's better off deleted anyway c:

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Report Luz · 718 views · #2015 #cancer

Hello everyone, i'm back after a very long hiatus. · 6:29am Jul 18th, 2020

Hey everypony, I'm back. I have been away for a long time, a lot has happened in the last 4 years. It all started with losing my job in Colorado. After that i lost my apartment and had little choice but to relocate to Arkansas with my retired parents on the new farm land. And after a long battle, my dad passed away from renal cell carcinoma, caused by exposure to agent orange and dangerous water treatment chemicals while serving in the US Navy during Vietnam. Needless to say that his death hit

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Report Forgotten Tears · 151 views · #hiatus #cancer

Football and the Death of American Intellect · 10:03am Jun 26th, 2015

[6/25/15, 11:45:45 PM] Ghost Man On Third: damn
[6/25/15, 11:46:14 PM] Ghost Man On Third: this is reminding me of the conversation i had with my friends earlier
[6/25/15, 11:46:38 PM] Ghost Man On Third: about how football is largely responsible for the destruction of intellectualism in this country
[6/25/15, 11:47:00 PM] Aria's Blazed (DWK): [tipping intensifies]
[6/25/15, 11:47:33 PM] Ghost Man On Third: eyy bb fuck you

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Report Regidar · 531 views · #football #cancer

Help a dude out! · 10:39pm Mar 6th, 2022

Clockwork2003 has cancer.

Thankfully, they say it isn't serious, and they're already scheduled for surgery with a high survival rate, but the main issue is that they have to cover the medical costs for it all. Anything helps! If you can't afford to chip in, a signal-boost like this one is plenty enough!


The unexpected happened.... · 5:45am Feb 7th, 2017

Although I doubt anyone will ever read this, something amazing, and terrible happened tonight. I all started when I got bored and typed a 1,000-word piece of cancer in about 15 minutes. It's not what I would call a masterpiece and is likely to offend someone out there, (what doesn't) but the moderator gods have smiled upon me! Or at the very least took pity on me...

Anyways, my story 'I got bored' is now up and ready to infect your eye sockets!


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Cancer Changes Everything · 2:33am Apr 25th, 2021

A few weeks back, I posted a blog about how a family member of mine (my mother, as I will now reveal) was suffering from a strange disorder the doctors couldn't figure out. Well, as the title should indicate, we've discovered what the problem was.

Uterine Cancer, Stage Three.

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Report libertydude · 213 views · #cancer #delays

#CancelCancer · 5:22pm Dec 3rd, 2019

You don't have to be a fan of Matpat or GT Live to realize what he and several other YouTubers are doing today. I'm willing to bet cancer has touched each and every one of us in some manner. I lost both my Grandma and my Grandpa to two separate types. Come check out the live stream starts at 10 AM PST So about an hour of me posting this. If you don't feel up to it or hate all the YouTubers who are participating.

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Report Foals Errand · 310 views · #Cancel cancer

Charity Stuff I am doing · 4:40pm Feb 2nd, 2016

So I'm doing this charity donating thing for a cancer charity that does cancer research and who have people donate their hair for wigs. And if enough people donate to This page I will have my head shaved. And if you can't donate spread this around.


Global Peptide Cancer Vaccine Market Size, Overview, Key Players and Forecast 2028 · 9:49am Dec 30th, 2022

FutureWise Research has released a research report that analyses Peptide Cancer Vaccine Market trends in order to forecast market growth. Before delivering the commercial description of the chain structure, the report proceeds forward with an assessment of the business environment. Based on the market trends and driving forces revealed in the study, businesses will be able to design the roadmap for their products and services while taking into consideration numerous socioeconomic factors.

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Snape · 1:56pm Jan 14th, 2016

NOOOOOOOOOO! Alan Rickman died. :raritydespair::raritydespair::fluttercry::fluttercry: By Cancer of all things. First David Bowie The Goblin King now this.

Report dj-pon3fan · 320 views · #Snape #Cancer #Sadness

Cancer · 1:09am Nov 8th, 2018

((This is an explanation of I peered into oblivion yesterday., but it also elaborates upon many personal struggles, chief among them the title of this post. I'd advise you to read the story if you haven't already. I warn you once again: if you do not want to hear about sensitive personal matters or are not mature enough to respect them, do not read this post.))

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ded · 4:31pm Mar 22nd, 2016

of cancer

[on da news]

Report Rob Ford · 320 views · #Rob Ford #cancer

Traffic can suck my ass · 10:06pm Dec 23rd, 2016

Seriously, I don't fucking understand the traffic system on the East Coast. Out on the South Coast the traffic lights actually have sensors that do their job, while East Coast has timers.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 96 results