
Viewing 1 - 20 of 91 results

Bronycon Day One schedule! · 2:11pm Aug 7th, 2015

Morning folks!

The con has started! I initially intended to go to the opening ceremony but the line for it was craaazy. So I've skipped it and I'm now at the Quills and Sofas!

My schedule for today:
Quills and Sofas until around 3:00
3:00PM-4:00PM -- Advanced Writing Panel
4:00PM-5:30PM -- Merch Hall, misc wandering, may return to Q&S
5:30PM-7:00PM(ish) -- Panels and/or getting food
10:30PM-11:30PM -- Scoping and Sizing Your Story for Success
And if I'm not too tired...

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Report Arad · 418 views · #Bronycon 2015

The REAL Recap of 2015 (+ Special Mentions ) · 9:23pm Jan 1st, 2016

So yeah, I'm pretty sure most of you didn't see the worst recap blog I've ever done in my entire life last night. That's for the best. Don't worry, I was perfectly safe and not in a state of alcoholism, so it's better off deleted anyway c:

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Report Luz · 718 views · #2015 #cancer

I forgot this existed · 4:43am Jun 26th, 2017

I forgot that I made crappy FNAFx MLP fanfiction and I complete regret remembering. Oh well time to look around on this site to see if anything changed.

Report Fun_Games · 290 views · #Remember 2015

Watching The Debates · 3:10am Sep 17th, 2015

Trump is entertaining as all Hell, Bush is a pussy, Huckabee Can go fuck himself, Chris Christie was pretty funny, Kasich was awesome, and I don't give a fuck about the rest of them. Also, when Christie spoke up when Trump and whatsherface were having a shouting match? All I could think of was this:


Attending Bronycon 2015 · 2:57am Aug 5th, 2015

Pascoite's blog reminded me that it would be smart to mention that I'm going to be at Bronycon again this year, and on two panels.

He, I, Professor Plum, Themaskedferret, and Pav Feira (as host) will be doing, from 5:30–6:30pm on Friday, a panel about getting into the pre-reading/reviewing/editing community.

Editors, Pre-Readers, Reviewers: Pillars of Support

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Bronycon Panel Videos Posted · 7:22pm Oct 31st, 2015

As I've mentioned in the other blogs I've posted on the subject of this year's Bronycon, I was on a pair of writing panels. Videos just went up on the Bronycon YouTube account, so obviously check there for all the others (or D's nice little compilation post for most/all of the fic ones), but here are the two panels of mine as well as a little bit of blathering

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Bronycon complete, and Mente Materia plans for the future! · 9:15pm Aug 9th, 2015

Evening folks! The con is done and I'm back at my apartment hopefully to get some sleep!

Before that though, Conswag!

Fimfiction ballcap
Floppy Twilight Plushy
Twilight's Secret Shipfic Folder plus all expansions (sadly I didn't know there was a con exclusive set until they were all sold out)
Twilight Sparkle tie with Sparkle Tie Bar
Team Fortress 2 Ponies wall scroll

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Report Arad · 933 views · #Bronycon 2015

Back from Bronycon · 1:12am Aug 11th, 2015

I'm back from Baltimore, and boy oh boy was Bronycon a hoot! Lots of fun times I had! Only complaint I have is that the cosplay contest was capped, and everyone apparently decided to camp out at the registration gate, so it filled up before me and around 40 other cosplayers could get in. Fallen ones include, but are not limited to: HinawaShy (me), Gilda (Von Snootingham), various main/side characters, Calamity from Fallout: Equestria,

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My visit to Trotcon (finally!) · 3:21am Aug 4th, 2015

Two weeks late, huh? Got no excuse this time. Just lazy. Anyway, so even though the timing is off and the relevance is more or less nonexistent, I'd still like to talk about my time there.


[Note: I apologize in advance for the absolutely abysmal camera quality. I need to either get a new phone, or fire the cameraman.]

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Back from BronyCon · 2:10am Aug 12th, 2015

I'm home after a very long and extremely fun week in Baltimore. I say week, because it was a lot more than just the weekend. I had a most enjoyable time meeting a whole bunch of fimfic people, and I even got to hang out and talk for more than five minutes some of the time.

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Report Thornwing · 529 views · #BronyCon 2015

Another chapter released! · 7:48pm Aug 18th, 2015

Hey everyone, just a quick note for anyone not already tracking Siren's Call. I just released another chapter, and things are about to get fun. I want to hear people's thoughts on where the story is heading, so go ahead and post your ideas in the comments.

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Report Thornwing · 478 views · #BronyCon 2015

I forgot this existed · 4:43am Jun 26th, 2017

I forgot that I made crappy FNAFx MLP fanfiction and I complete regret remembering. Oh well time to look around on this site to see if anything changed.

Report Fun_Games · 266 views · #Remember 2015

900 Followers and Bronycon Recap · 2:38am Aug 13th, 2015

Well. That was a thing.

It’s a strange feeling to have 900 followers. I’m very grateful for it, of course, and a small part of me does feel vindicated that that many people would be interested enough in my writing to want to be updated for future works. Thank you to everyone for following me, and I hope I can live up to whatever it was that made you interested in my horsewords.

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My Everfree Northwest Mini-retrospective · 9:21am Jun 7th, 2015

This is a repost from the comments section of CouchCrusader's own retrospective. I figured I'd post it here for the curious.

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Early New Year Blog! · 3:24am Dec 30th, 2015

Ok. In this blog I am going to tell you how I became a brony and got on this site

Well it all started in 2013, I found out about the show but I taught of it like any other girls show, but I really liked the style of animation of the show. Soooo I gave it a shot and watched it, and I really liked it but, didn't watch it alot

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Projet Pumpkin · 5:02am Oct 1st, 2015


Discussion: What’s the Book You Enjoyed the Most in 2015? · 4:59pm Dec 18th, 2015

Cross-post excerpt from Unusual Things. Check there for the full post.

Thought I’d try something new as we come to the end of the year, something special to replace the usual repost of an older Being a Better Writer.Today I want to see if I can get a discussion going in the comments. A discussion circling around one simple question: what is the book you’ve enjoyed the most in 2015?

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Report Viking ZX · 408 views · #Discussion #2015 #Books

The Big Move Update 06/16/15 · 6:49am Jun 16th, 2015

Hey guys. You may notice I’ve been inactive for the past few days, haven’t posted any updates on my move, nor have I posted either of my reviews for “The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone” or “Slice of Life.” Well, let’s just say that times are tough. Dana and I did finally enter Canada today, and even made it to the new place, but as it turns out, the landlord screwed us over and the new place doesn’t have any electricity. It doesn’t help that we’ve already spent about 1/5 of our saved money on

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Report Kirb · 287 views · #the big move 2015

Remembrance/Armistice Day & Veterans Day - November 11th 2015 · 4:43pm Nov 11th, 2015

So much has the world known pain and death since the beginning but, never before has the world faced the horrors ever before like WW2 and countless other wars.

I'd like for all of us to remember those who've given up their lives so that we, the current and the future generations to come, may live peacefully and avoid the horrors they've gone through.

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E3 2015: Microsoft · 6:40pm Jun 15th, 2015

Backwards compatibility with the Xbox 360 announced. Digital games will automatically begin downloading into your library. If you didn't have a bigger hard drive yet, well, they're basically saying buy one. (I've got 16GB left on my HDD).

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 91 results