2024, about as good as 2023. Which was sh!t. · 3:40am Jan 10th, 2024
Screw 2023.
Miserable year for me.
Started with an asshole walmart employee getting me fired, to me being exhausted with two jobs, which didn't last so back to one job, to me barely being able to get by on my meager paychecks.
And on top of that, my severe eczema was persistent and I was unable to find a solution because... No money and so on.
And then in December I had to go to ER room twice, and get a follow up after them. And I'm American so, enough said on that.
And so here we are in the early stages of 2024 and I am... Giving up my whole paycheck and so on to basically pay rent. Still have the looming medical bills, and still have a single job paying me the bare minimum.
But I did get a solution to my eczema (hopefully) and might get medicaid soon. So, yay?
And so, here I am yet again:
Asking for help. And I fucking hate it.
If you can spare anything, I'm... I don't know at this point because I fully fucking believe any goodwill I had with the fanbase is more or less gone. Or I've been forgotten, or just plain disliked.
Can you tell I'm a bit depressed? Not suicidal, thankfully. Too stubborn for that.
...Right, I don't expect anyone to do this out of the kindness of their hearts for me anymore, because that would be nice and I'm not allowed to have nice things or be happy, so I'll be selling off swaths of my collection I have.
Mainly books, pictures from cons, games, game systems, anything really.
If your interested in what I have for offer, feel free to find me on Discord. Please keep in mind the price we haggle out must include shipping and such, because broke. Also a small, scant few items won't be sold because reasons, but I'll try not to show them in the first place.
I'm sorry to bother you all, and if you even read this, thanks.
Your abysmally depressed fuckup lurker:
Also for whatever reason, I can't change the goal listed on my Ko-Fi.
I do not know why and it's annoying.
~Skeeter The Lurker
I just found out that I have seemed to have promised my entire paycheck to my brother for rent.
I did not agree to that, but I guess I have no choice anymore.
Overdraft time. Yay.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Depression's greatest crime is making you question your own worth. I think you'll find there's still a lot of people who care. <3
What a year.
Deep down, I know that.
But I just don't believe it.
~Skeeter The Lurker
And it's only January.
~Skeeter The Lurker
it's good to hear from you, I just wish the circumstances were better! D:
You and me both, sister.
~Skeeter The Lurker
I gave what I could, anyway. You take care.
Boosted. Luck.
I’m so sorry.
I can’t really spell anything, but I can try and promote this blog in one of my groups.
Sent a little support your way. Best of luck in the new year. I'm right there struggling with my own health issues.
Screw med bills, best of luck! Hope this helps.
your not the only one.... I also got fired in 2023 as well... and I know how you feel. However... for me it's kind of pointless to make such a big sum of money since I have to someday do a organ transplant for about the cost of 500,000 money for a surgery... which i don't have... so i might as well give up anyway for myself and hope that people will remeber me.
Aw hell no. Don't you fucking dare give up.
If I can endure, so too can you. And if it apparent from this blog, people will support you emotionally and in spirit.
~Skeeter The Lurker
I've had the sword of damocles hanging over my head for long enough now that I forget sometimes why I'm stressed. Client hates us but refuses to break contract. Company hates the client and is determined to put in the least amount of effort mathematically possible, even if it means that we're miserable. The alternatives I've got when the contract expires are pretty grim. Do I poison the well? Demand my 15 years of severance and never talk to the company again or do I juggle 2 companies and probably get shafted by both.
Might not be the same hell you're going through but you still got partners in misery.
Hang in there!
The prices on medical procedures are phony, at least in America.
I had vein surgery last May. The bill was for $100,016.60.
The insurance adjustment, which means how much of that bill my insurances says nobody will pay for, was about $86800.
$3165.54 of both the charges and the adjustment were not for anything at all; the insurance company and the hospital had an agreement which said that the hospital would add $3165.54 to the bill and the insurance company would add $3165.54 to their adjustment; presumably these shenanigans are to claim a tax benefit or something and should probably be illegal. It pushed the total bill just over $100K, so maybe they get a government subsidy for surgeries over $100K.
My insurance paid $11,737.44 and I paid $1902.55, plus a yearly total of $1600 for the insurance policy that paid out $12K for this surgery, because the state subsidized my insurance heavily because I'm below the poverty line. So the real price, what the hospital actually got paid, was $13,639.99, and the total price to me, including insurance premiums (which paid for other surgery for besides), was $2500.
(This isn't including the MRIs, doctor's appointments, and charges from about 4 different doctors involved in the surgery, which totalled maybe $4000 in actual payments.)
So, you have at least 4 options for getting this surgery:
1. Get an insurance plan, and choose it specifically to optimize it for this surgery. Knowing that you're going to max out the deductible and the out-of-pocket will enable you to pick out the one that will give you the best deal. It's as important to know how much of an adjustment they will make as what your copay is. You may need to shop around for a state or country that will subsidize your insurance. You may need to get a lower-paying job to qualify for that subsidy. You might be in a situation where, say, you're making $30,000 / yr, and could get an insurance subsidy of $10,000/yr if you were making $25,000/yr. You'll need to read lots of policies and laws and fine print, but you can do it given enough time.
2. Bargain with all the people involved for a lower price yourself. This is the worst option; that means bargaining separately with the hospital, the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, the radiology facility, several different radiologists, and I don't know who else. They won't give you a good price, and even the price they give you, you have no effective legal means to hold them to--they can just bill you 3 times as much as they said, and you have to pay it, at least in the US. This is because hospitals must have a lot of leeway: They don't know what will happen during surgery, so they must be allowed to add unanticipated charges--and who's to say what's really "unanticipated"? It's easy to list, say, a dozen different eventualities that are common but not universal, and call all of them "unanticipated" even though any surgery will involve at least 3 of them.
3. Check the laws and find a state or country in which they have to give you the surgery for free if you can't pay for it, or if your income is below a specified level. The UPMC medical system (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) has a policy like this, and the specified level is pretty high--something around $22,000 IIRC. I don't know who else does. Probably a lot of European countries. You may be able to get citizenship in one in time if you start applying now.
4. Wait until the problem gets acute, then go to the ER without any ID on you and give them a fake name. In the US, they have to treat you regardless of your ability to pay. I assume you also don't need to show ID, because a whole lot of homeless people have no ID.
I hope you're doing better. We all wish you the best, and keep on trying. Have hope that things will get better.
I'm well late to this, so I'm assuming that all is well on the rent front, but still, it's great to see your user pic again. It's spawned a plethora of memories from back in the day. I was 15 when I found this site, and I'm 27 now. Time flies when you're not looking, huh?