Spare a dime for your Lurker · 12:31am Feb 24th, 2022
Hello Legion, it's been awhile, hasn't it?
I've never been good at this kinda thing, and while I could go on about my antics as of late, I won't and will just come out and say it.
I need help. Badly. This year, 2022, has not been kind to me. And yes, I am aware of the "what a year" meme and so dearly wish it wasn't literal to me. I'll explain.
On the 1st of the year of 2022, I got super sick. I went to get a test, got a home test instead, and I found out that, after two years of avoiding it, I finally,finally wound up getting covid. It promptly knocked my ass to the floor and I missed a full week of work. That was also when I found out that the time off they'd allow to recuperate went from "until you feel better" to "one week". That was fun.
In the previous month of December, I wound up hitting a deer. This completely wrecked my car and I had to deal with Geico being absolute shit dealing with that ordeal. It took over 5 weeks to get it towed and fixed and at one point they actually managed to get the tow lot address wrong meaning I had, for a bit, no clue where my car even was. And don't get me started on the lack of help with getting a rental.
Moving into the middle of February, I started to have extreme pain in one of my ears as well as copious amounts earwax pour out. A trip to the Urgent Care revealed that... I had a ruptured eardrum. And so added an expense on to my already mounting expenses for the month.
And finally, tail end of February, we come to the current bullshit and why I need help. In December of last year, the apartment building I lived in got sold to another person. This was all fine and good, as when we initially met the person who wanted to buy (he was doing a tour from a realtor when I met him) I asked him what he intended to do with the place. He said, and I quote: "Probably leave as is and renovate a bit. Part of why I like it is that there's already people in it." Please note, out of the four apartments, only two had tenants. Mine, and my brother's.
And wouldn't you know it? It turned out what he said was a fat fucking LIE. They closed, he came over to talk to me and my brother about a week before Christmas, and told us in no uncertain terms that we were to move out.
By March. Yay.
Queue two months of trying to find places, as well as coming to terms with the fact that we'd need to be, ugh, roommates, and stress and time started to mount and decrease respectively. This is, some of you older members will possibly know, is the same brother who I lived with in Florida and I have espoused what fun that was.
We did find a place. In fact we just got the keys today and have been packing over the course of the previous week. However!
In the course of getting this place, my brother and I have spent easily over $3500 on application fees, security deposits, admin fees, pro rate, pet fee (brother has a cat and leaving it/abandoning it is not an option to either of us) boxes, the rental truck coming up, processing fees... And that does not count our every month normal bills we have to pay!
We both had enough to pull off getting the place. We have a little left in our respective accounts to "survive" off of... But we do not have anywhere near enough to make it safely into next month when the first month's rent is due (we think) on the 1st of March.
It is now Feb 23rd. The rent is $1800. I get paid end of week, but I can safely assume it will be $1600 (give or take). He does not get paid until next Friday. Now you see the problem.
If you can, if you don't mind, click the link above or the image of Sunset handing you a coffee to help. I'd greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for at least listening. Stay safe, stay sane.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Yeah landlord's fucking suck. If there are any you particularly want anonymously harassed for being humongous sacks of fecal matter DM me.
application fees and pet fees and just all their chicanery literally make me turn from a libertarian to a Maoist cuz Mao had the right fucking idea about all that shit and I'm really fucking sorry you had to deal with landlords being the humongous useless parasitic sacks of bile that they are.
Anyway I'm broke as a joke right now but if you're able to, you can make mad bank right now donating blood plasma like five or six hundred dollars a month and it's pretty easy and a good cause but they're pretty picky and you have to lie about your sex life and drug use if you're like me but if you can I highly recommend it as easy money that's for a good cause
Also wherever you live you can always call 211 for resources
Best of luck when I'm a bit more on my feet I'll shoot you some money not a ton but a bit because you're absolutely one of the realest ones around. Godspeed skeet.
I'm in a tough spot financially right now due to some last minute expenses, but I'll pass the word... you're good people, Skeeter, at the moment it's all I can do, I hope it helps!
Gave what I could. I'll cook a meal at home tomorrow.
Best of luck!
It seems to be going around. My roommate lost his job and my laptop bricked itself. Thankfully I had some money saved for the laptop but I don't know how long it'll be before he gets a job.
Sending some your way. Good luck, and remember we're all here for you!
I'd help if I could! Sorry you've hit such a shitstorm -- I hope things work out for you.
Sent you some coffee, don't drink them all at once. Hope things get better soon. Hang in there.
>"In the previous month of December, I wound up hitting a deer. This completely wrecked my car and I had to deal with Geico being absolute shit dealing with that ordeal. "
Is the deer okay?
Yikes. Rent sucks, and it keeps growing worse and worse lately. Sent a few your way.
Considering it jousted with a multi-ton metal box, probably not?
When I saw your "f
cops, be gay, do crime" catchphrase, I was not aware that you were willing to actually commit crimes in order to obtain money. Like, I'm not a lawyer but lying about the suitability of your donation is probably something you shouldn't be admitting to people who can access your personal information. Especially when you're openly anti-cop to the point that you've been banned from here twice for advocating mass murder.
Just saying, if you ever stop logging in most people on this site are going to assume that the inevitable happened.
I'll pour one out for the most famous user to constantly ignore the "please stop signing your posts" request/rule from admin. Absolute legend.
The FDA just has super outdated policies that blood donation centers have to follow that ban anyone who's ever had gay sex from donating. They fail to distinguish if trans men count, because, again, super outdated.
It's all really fucking gay.
As for drug use, I haven't, don't, and won't ever inject anything, which is they main thing they're looking for visually because dirty needles can transmit disease (one of many reasons to support safe injection sites!). Most recreational drugs clear your system pretty quickly except marijuana, and I don't smoke things cause it hurts my lungs and I haven't had any edibles in close to or over a year; for the same price I can just take acid which I like better. I numerically use a decent amount of drugs, but all very infrequently, responsibly, and in reasonable doses.
we stan an anarchist king.
From one Lurker to another. Cheers and good luck
I"m not a member of Ko-fi, do you accept PayPal?
I'm sorry you've been having such troubles.
...Though I do note that, by the time I got to this (blog post backlog), your donation amount stood at 1019% of the goal.
To the community: thank you. :D
In any case, good luck, stay safe and sane yourself, and thanks.
Now it’s 1069% . . . nice!