GoFundMe · 9:55pm Mar 3rd, 2024
I'll just lay it all out.
I do not have a car.
I cannot get to and from work.
I am more or less broke due to low paying job and so many bills.
Due to credit issues, I do not qualify for any emergency loans.
My car was uninsured due to the company I had deciding not to tell me there was an issue with payment and just... cancelled it. Cause why not at this point.
I still have payments for my now destroyed Kia.
I need about $3000 to even begin to make things a bit normal.
I have started a GoFundMe to try and help things, you can find it right here.
Also, the KoFi is still active, it's right here.
And I still have various things I'm willing to sell, photos on request.
...This is the second time this year I had to do this and words cannot possibly describe the level of disgust I have with myself over it. If you helped, I thank you. If you didn't, thank you for reading. If I can do anything to help you helping me, I will certainly try to.
For the man who welcomed me all those years ago, I’ll pitch in.
Contributed and boosted. Best of luck, man.
Boosted this along, Skeeter and put a bit on your PayPal. Hope you’re okay and that things get better for you soon! Take care!
If you're in the America's, and happen to live near or in Michigan, I have a second of my two old cars that I've been using for work that I'd be happy to give you for however much you thought it worth. I don't have any liquid funds, but I do have unrelenting postivity.
Life trying to get you down is just the universe trying to balance the scales for how awesome you are. Every problem has a solution and you as a human being, are incredibly capable. I know it is a weird thing to emotionally connect with someone over the internet, but I believe in you, and I hope that gives you the willpower to be who you are, and do what you need to do.
Googled it.
Certain models of Kias & Hyundais are VERY easy to steal. They are thus very expensive to insure & a lot of insurance companies flat out won't do it. New Hampshire & Virginia don't require that cars be insured.
Other states vary in "How expensive is it to get caught driving without insurance?".
You may want to talk to a liability lawyer about your rights. The company might be liable. Most civil lawyers work on a contingency basis. They don't win, they don't charge.
Got you boosted on the blog, Skeeter. I'll pray that you will be able to bounce back by God's grace. Until then, we're here for ya.
Threw a bit in there. Hope it helps, but I can't be too generous this time with a major medical bill coming up in a few days.
I can add a bit, I hope you are able to pull through. I know how bad these things can suck.
It happens to the best of us, bud. There's no need to feel shame for asking for help when you're dealt a hard hand by chance.
Stay safe, take care of yourself, and know that we're all behind you! If you need to chat about what's going on, feel free to hit me up.