• Member Since 28th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

The Bromeister

"It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a flaw. That is life." ~ Jean Luc Picard, Star Trek TNG

Best Underappreciated


Comments ( 11 )
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hOi! Just wanted to say thanks for adding Why Me, Though to your library. Despite being a Jinglemas story, I'm really happy that I got to write nerds in love, so knowing people still dig it really tingles the ol' dingle, ya know?

Here, have an awesome!

Well, I'll at least slip it into my read later when it's out, but that's probably the last thing I'll be able to put in that bookshelf for a while if I ever want to read 'em all.:twilightsheepish:

And (sorry for the FNAF reference) but you always come back.

Yea, I also didn't really leave comments back then either. Around season 8 I had stopped watching the show and by season 9 I wasn't using FimFic or interacting with the fandom much as a whole either. Then COVID hit and my life went sideways for a bit. After getting back on my feet I started to get into the fandom again and last year I started reading some of my old favorite stories. Then I started leaving comments and giving little reviews for some of them.

And actually pretty soon I'll be posting my first Story on here too! :pinkiehappy:

It's not really a story per say but an anthology of poems based on some characters from the show which was inspired by Ice Star's "Equinity".

I don't think I can match the elegant prose he creates but hopefully someone gets something out of reading it.

Didya come back to Fimfic after a long time or something? There's not many messages on your userpage.

Cool! I’ll check that out soon, Thank you!

See you ‘round

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