• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Ice Star

đź–¤ i eat children đź–¤

Comments ( 6 )

Melancholy, bittersweet, and that feeling of a hole aching yet filled at once. A lovely little repast. Thank you!

Nice retrospective look into Luna in the early years in the Iceverse

Danke! Gotta focus on the baby.

Short and sweet, just like wittle woona:rainbowkiss:! Honestly I love it when people give ponies cat-like behaviors (or I guess owl-like in this case). I imagine her sitting on that roof watching the night with the same intensity that a cat may watch a bird passing overhead.

There is one especially cat-like character that I write and have even commissioned art of. Also, I'm glad you enjoyed this. I'll get around to the longer comments you left on some of my other stories soon. I've been a busy guy lately.

Omg you weren’t kidding. I just saw the three blogs you dropped. No wonder. Quite a project indeed.

I don’t think there are many comments that you haven’t answered. And regardless, If you’re busy you’re busy. Its not like you’re obligated to answer them.

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