• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
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Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤



Sometimes, it's very quiet in the castle...

Set before the events of the show. Now has a review (with spoilers) by the Reviewer's Cafe! There are four readings of the old version of this story too, one here, another here, here, and here! Cover art by MagnaLuna.

Now readable in Russian here, and here thanks to Doof Ex Machina! Also has a spoiler-y review you can check out here.

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Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

Not as spoopy as I thought it'd be but it was good nonetheless.

Tbh, I was too into the glorious present tense and beautiful imagery to actually notice what was going on...

Then, it hit me after. :fluttershbad:

What he said. What's going on in this story?

7736983 Luna is going through some stuff - mutisim, stress, etc.



Fairly major spoiler here. Anyone who hasn't read the story, read the story first.

This story is not set in Modern Equestria. It's set a bit more than a thousand years before Episode One...


imperial beyond beleif

Don't know why nobody pointed this out. Anyway, there is a typo.

By the way, I understand what you were going for in the full context, but I still have no idea what you're going for. Was it meant to be harsh?

7801460 Luna is succumbing to insanity.

7802395 As highlighted by the message of the entire story. I could already tell it was pre-NMM, though it was just a hunch.

7738612 wait, that's supposed to be a twist? it seemed pretty obvious from the get-go

Hey there!

I very much enjoyed the interpretation of Luna's descent into madness all those years ago; it was never really something I took into consideration in terms of lore. I really enjoyed this story, so I produced a dramatic reading of it among my Halloween specials for this month. Hope you enjoy! ^_^
Check it here!


Oh my gosh! I actually ended up missing the notification to this because I didn't get one. A spoopy Friday the 13th reading in the 13th comment on one of my spoopy stories? This is great and extremely unexpected (also spooky) and thank you for it! I've added it to the description! :D

Author Interviewer

Excellent! :D

Oh no, you're digging deeper into the abyss of my stories

Please don't stop

Oh hey she’s going mad~

This feels rather similar to my own episodes of sensory overload. Where everything feels too loud and too much and how can they stand it and-

Well done.

That's what this was meant to showcase: symptoms aligning with things like panic attacks, sensory overloads, and a coming mental breakdown (which would be in the form of Luna's Fall). Thanks for reading!


is some spooky cover art. Poor Luna. Really, poor Luna. Very well done.

Thank you! Especially for enjoying a spooky story of mine during Spooktober! That’s always pretty neat.

Very chilling look at Luna's life as a royal. The one word sentences and repetaition were profound and impactful!

Thank you! This one’s reputation is nice to see.

I don’t really understand what’s going on.

Luna is suffering a mental breakdown about the loss of divine identity and control in her life prior to her fall.

Ok, now it makes sense a little.

Fixes first:

That Celestia did everything in her power to impress this so-called lifestyle upon Luna too>

Pretty sure that last Shift key didn't work and you mean a question mark at the end.

Luna that they always came at a price, each whispering a curse of submission that Celestia would always accept.

*Luna knew

Her eyes were blue-green like neither the earth nor heavens but somewhere in between They saw all these ponies did,

Need a period between "between" and "They". Also, I love this way of describing Luna's eyes. Fitting for the story.

Well, this was a... I hesitate to say "nice" dive into Luna's mind, given her mental state, but it was eloquent, vivid, and evocative. All the visual metaphors, as well as the little details about how Luna views Celestia's interactions with the nobles, added to the atmosphere of alienation, isolation, and anxiety. It's interesting to see where your Iceverse interpretation of Luna's downfall and my own intersect and diverge. My own personal headcanon is that Luna's growing dissatisfaction with her role led to resentment of Celestia, which was capitalized upon by the Spirit of Nightmare (something akin to the Pony of Shadows), which perhaps infected Discord and/or Sombra as well. Basically possession.

The last few lines of this are particularly great. That little twitch... Damn. Just damn.

Holy fuck, how did those sneak past me. Anyway, I fixed them all now.

It's interesting to see where your Iceverse interpretation of Luna's downfall and my own intersect and diverge. My own personal headcanon is that Luna's growing dissatisfaction with her role led to resentment of Celestia, which was capitalized upon by the Spirit of Nightmare (something akin to the Pony of Shadows), which perhaps infected Discord and/or Sombra as well. Basically possession.

Yeah, I never used the whole possession idea so you're just gonna see a lot of mental distress when you poke around my Pre-NMM Luna stories. Have fun!

I'm giving this a thumbs up, but one thing pulls at my mind.

It is- Forgive me, but I don't understand why this has a horror tag.

Having the protagonist lose their mind in detail is definitely a horror story lol

Awesome story, loved how it descend like it's going downstairs. Now write her shooting a gun.

Horses don't have guns though? 🤔

I absolutely love this story! The idea of the radiant, day-themed decor of the castle being almost physically distressing to Luna is quite interesting.

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