Winner! · 5:19am Sep 7th, 2017
Galaxina the Unicorn has won the Riddle challenge!
Now, after I finish Treasurefruit, I'm contractually obligated to write a fanfic of her choosing, no exceptions!
Oh dear...
Galaxina the Unicorn has won the Riddle challenge!
Now, after I finish Treasurefruit, I'm contractually obligated to write a fanfic of her choosing, no exceptions!
Oh dear...
...Going to be announced in a moment.
First, I’m a little peeved that nearly zero Jake Taylor fans even made an attempt to enter the contest. I got literally [i[one entry, and that was just a few hours ago, making it a bit obsolete.
Regardless, shout-outs to ThePinkedWonder (obviously), Peni Parker (obviously) and TheKMExperience (a bit surprisingly) for attempting to help spread the word.
It's time to announce the winners of my sad fic contest!
3rd Place:
Wish You Were Here by Pononimous
Grammar: 35/40
Creativity: 4/10
Story: 35/50
Total: 74/100
Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword
I have accomplished my goal! I have completed 50,000 words of my novel for NaNoWriMo!
Hi Solar Force here
Well folks, the results from the vote in the last blog are in.
And the winning mare who will star in the next chapter of The Incredibly Lucky Solar Force is...
The Great And Powerful Trixie!
So after looking over the results of the poll... which only eleven people actually voted on. Here's how it breaks down:
Replicated Wanderer won so I will focus on making the next chapter of that now.
Locksmith and Kirby tied so they'll be second and third at my discretion.
Since it was obvious the last winner was not going to step forward to claim their prize, another random follower has been selected using the website in the previous winner blog: user 238.
Granted there weren't many participants, but I'm grateful to those who read and enjoyed the story!
After much deliberation, reading, rereading, and judging we finally have our winners for the Everfree Northwest Scribblefest 2017!
I want to first congratulate all of you who submitted your hard written stories! We had a field of 36 contestants, and that’s amazing! Thank you so much for all your hard work that you do! Now, without further ado, our finalist and their respective categories!
Twilight Sparkle Award
Ebon Quill with “Slouching Towards Canterlot”
Using this handy little site, the user selected was follower 106, or Crystal Moon!
Howdy folks! The judges have read all the stories and the results are in. Drum roll, please!
Eh, close enough.
In third place, we have…
A Spooky Date
by Fircoal
Romance, Slice of Life
7,083 words
A while back I held a contest for Snippets, and today, we find out the winners! Remember- this is only the contest. There will be more Snippets in the future besides these. ^-^
Important- IF YOU WON, PM ME IMMEDIATELY. But please know what your prizes are and what place you came in so you aren't mislead.
Hey guys....
so you know that blog i did on the karaoke competition
Well guess what....
We sang lost boy by ruth b if you didn't know
I'll do a blog on how the even went but later (because i'm to damn lazy and tired)
Remember that time I blogged about winning the Flashfic competition, or that other time I did?
Well, I won it again. There were something like a dozen entries, and I was a bit surprised, too, because this particular story I thought was kinda hit or miss, but I guess it hit this time. Part of it was the Rarity/Sweetie Belle dialog...
Just thought I'd mention that I won the November 2019 Flashfic contest today!
Feels good, though now I have to come up with next months prompt.
You could find the story in the thread, or as the latest chapter ("The Wind") in the tagged anthology.
The part below the line, anyways. The beginning is the usual connecting anthology framework.
--Sweetie Belle
Since it's already Sunday in the timezone I'm in, it's time to see which HiE stories will come after Fire Horse!
Just as a reminder, people can use 0thefool and Fungic_Mare's comments as a way of voting as well. Any likes on comments outside of theirs will not be counted.
Now let's see here...
Sombra: 12
Cosmos: 9
So it seems like Sombra won! Looks like Maretime Bay's gonna need to prepare for two unicorns this time!
And holy crap, this was the largest upsurge of votes I've ever gotten in the years I spent on Patreon! A total of 206 votes were casted over the past week, with the top three entries receiving 31, 32, and 41 votes respectively! That amount of attention is unbelievably awesome, and it means so much to know that so many people are paying attention to my work!