Announcing the Flashfic 150 monthly contests! · 4:21pm Mar 5th, 2017
Before anyone gets excited, there are no prizes for these events. Well, not really. Okay, the three people still here, read on!
Before anyone gets excited, there are no prizes for these events. Well, not really. Okay, the three people still here, read on!
Flashfic 150 is a low-pressure, no-actual-prize monthly contest for 150-word SFW flashfics inspired by a specific prompt. Anyone with a Fimfiction account is welcome to compete; just join the Flashfic group.
July prompt: "Crossing Over". Submissions are open until 21st July.
~~The commission drive is closed. Thank you to everyone who participated.~~
We are at day 100 of the fascist invasion of Ukraine (I don’t feel a need to pretend it is anything else).
The December 2021 contest prompt was "It's a Gift!"
After some careful consideration, December's MOFA First Place winner is TheAncientPolitzanian, for "Three Hundred and Thirty-Three."
I remarked to Politzanian:
I felt like doing a little signal boost for this, since it seems fun to me.
Loganberry has created a Flashfic group for 150 word flashfic contests, and the first one opens on April 1st!
That's right, Loganberry has started up the first of his flashfics... check it out here.
I'm forever forgetting to plug these, so: every month, I run a little non-prize contest on the Flashfic group. A prompt is given and entrants then have around three weeks to come up with an E/T-rated story inspired by that prompt in no more than 150 words (excluding the title). It must be MLP-related (EqG and movie subjects are fine) and must not be a crossover with non-pony stuff. The winner gets to select the following
This month's contest has the prompt "Wouldn't be caught dead" and entries will close at midnight UK time at the end of Wed 21 June. If you're not familiar with Flashfic 150, full rules are available from the first post in the link below. In brief, though: write an E/T-rated minific based on the prompt given, taking a maximum of 150 words to do so. The winner gets to choose July's prompt. More here:
So, I've mentioned before that there's a monthly Flashfic competition that happens in this group every month, and while I don't always enter, I write something for it reasonably often. These are especially fun, since you are writing based ona prompt, and the story has to be 150 words or less, which is tricky. I'm a few behind on posting them to my anthology, in fact.
The results of the flashfic contest I blogged about are in!
This month's prompt is "Where Your Loyalties Lie", and you have until the end of Wednesday (UK time!) to write a 150-word flashfic on that topic and post it to this thread. You'll need to be a member of the Flashfic group, but that's easy enough -- everyone with a Fimfiction account is welcome! There's a link to the full rules in the first post in the linked
Remember that time I blogged about winning the Flashfic competition, or that other time I did?
Well, I won it again. There were something like a dozen entries, and I was a bit surprised, too, because this particular story I thought was kinda hit or miss, but I guess it hit this time. Part of it was the Rarity/Sweetie Belle dialog...
Just thought I'd mention that I won the November 2019 Flashfic contest today!
Feels good, though now I have to come up with next months prompt.
You could find the story in the thread, or as the latest chapter ("The Wind") in the tagged anthology.
The part below the line, anyways. The beginning is the usual connecting anthology framework.
--Sweetie Belle
The MOFA is a competition for very short stories of 150 or fewer words each.
In February, the contest's theme was "Bureaucracy." As usual, I had some difficulty picking out a winner.
This month, it's truer than ever that the MOFA is just an opinion someone had while they were trying to pick a favorite story out of someone else's contest's entries!
I had a lot of trouble picking one favorite. I also had trouble deciding whether I should judge primarily on the basis of LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, or on other criteria.
With a theme of "Just This Once," May 2022 was a good month for the Flashfic contest, with ten stories entered in Loganberry's Flashfic 150 contest (unless I miscounted ), of which nine qualified as MOFA entries. (The difference is because I can't accept my own entry to Loganberry's contest as a MOFA entry.)
You know that contest that I won:
Well, since then the story has been improved and is now published —>here<—