First Flashfic has opened · 5:06am Apr 2nd, 2017
That's right, Loganberry has started up the first of his flashfics... check it out here.
That's right, Loganberry has started up the first of his flashfics... check it out here.
Last week I got another pleasant surprise, as Loganberry agreed to review my fic 'Brush with Pride'
Logan's review (from his blog)
In which I promote some of the stories written by those who have been kind enough to follow me.
Top tip for those of you wanting to be productive: love yourself, and, uh, try to avoid getting colds . Still, all that bed rest meant I managed to enjoy a couple of stories, and I heartily recommend you check out the following:
Sincerely, Starlight
Yes I am. Loganberry' friend won an Ursa for a heart-lifting short story, "The Analogue Cat". Imma copy paste from his blog post.
Well, EQD had a post of the EQG shorts, in English!
And as such, I watched them. I will not, however, be doing anything in-depth. Why, do you ask. Because I'm lazy.
Anyway, beware of spoilers below the break.
… Now I'm a union mare
Amazed at what I am
I say what I think, that the company stinks
Yes I'm a union mare
Best lines:
Twilight was baffled[...]
I hope all of you fellow Yanks had a very enjoyable 4th of July weekend!
We usually get together with friends for a big BBQ party at one of the local lakes, but this year... Too hot, too smoky, too crowded, and generally too much to deal with. Our young dog got bitten by a rattlesnake on Wednesday, and he's still convalescing, so he's not much in the mood to swim, chase balls, or cage hotdog ends from the kids, either. We decided on a quiet 4th at home, and it was unexpectedly nice.
Back in July, I submitted a minific for Loganberry's Monthly Minific contest. It wasn't a big story, just a simple little tale about Pinkie Pie trolling Mud Briar on a social networking site. It got
One of my friends here on Fimfic, LightOfTriumph, posted a new story just earlier today, and I thought it was a rather charming piece of fiction, so I figured I'd throw it a small boost to go with my usual blog around this time.
We speak,
Are meek,
Life bleak,
Bird beaks,
Sap weeps,
Boughs creak,
Bugs eat,
Roots deep.
Best lines:
And now for 3 more reviews, enjoy:
"Chrysalis, I've come to Bargain!" by Doctor Disco
Variables by The Descendant
Starlight Repeatedly Teleports into Custard by Loganberry
"Chrysalis, I've Come to Bargain!" by Doctor Disco
(Comedy, Random)
A few days ago, I was reminded that "It's almost that time again," and today is now that time ():
Yay! Another SA review done and done. Only, like, a week late.
This was actually supposed to be Read It Later Reviews #50, but I just posted a Read It Now set yesterday and then Bad Horse came out with a story a day later. As this set had an empty space it in, Read It Later #49 got bumped down the line. So this set actually contains four older stories, plus Bad Horse’s new one.
I’m cheating a bit. Deal with it.
Today’s stories:
Harissa by Orbiting Kettle
Well, it seems folks are pretty happy with My Fluttering Heart on the whole. It was fun coming up with a personality for a seven-and-a-half year old Flurry Heart, as well as packing as much foreshadowing into Flurry Heart’s perspective as I could. Not to mention the dad jokes. Thanks to everyone who has read that story, and thanks especially to you who talked to me about it; I appreciate it.
Thought I’d get some work done for the Royal Guard and read a few pieces I’d been putting off reading for a long time.
Today’s stories:
The Birds and the Bees by Scantrel
All of It, For Her by Pav Feira
Ave Sonata by Majin Syeekoh
We Who With Songs Beguile by Loganberry
The Regular by Ruirik
I begin this year with a new mini project. One that I wanted to participate in for more than 2 and a half years already, ever since I saw it first, but could not find the time nor the concentration for, because life was showing its ugliest side to me.
Don't worry Pipp. I looked worse and had scruffier bed mane following the rollercoaster that was Day 1 of UK PonyCon 2024. Though despite all the bizarre things there, quadruple vision wasn't one of them. Maybe consider a doctor, love?