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First Flashfic has opened · 5:06am Apr 2nd, 2017

That's right, Loganberry has started up the first of his flashfics... check it out here.

Comments ( 5 )

The prompt is 'getting warmer'...?

...why was my first thought on that 'holocaust'? >_>

I do not know. But my first try to write for it ended up being some weird, genius thing that is well over the word limit.

4481037 I made an attempt on it myself, dunno if it's actually that good though :twilightsheepish:

It's hard to write with only 150 words, and I dare say you did a good job of it.

Here's what I have so far, though. Yeah, it needs some serious cleaning up.

It's started getting warmer once we crossed into the great plains. Feels like one degree every day. But "Brother" says I'm wrong about that.
Ugh, I wish this train would get along faster, seems we can hardly make it 2 miles without someone stopping for some reason or other. Most of the time it's false sightings of the famed Native Equestrians, though broken wagon wheels are also quite common.
I'm not sure if I believe "Brother" about the heat, even now it's warmer than it was 15 minutes ago. And when I look outside, it's always a shiner sea of sand that greets me.
Another hour passed before I heard a cry of pain, followed by a scream of horror. It came from the couple at the back of the train. I looked back to see what happened and heard someone shout, "By the gods, he's dead!"
Dead? We have yet to lose anypony and these particular ones were fine this morning. But before I could continue my thoughts, two more cries of pain rang out, this time from the front.
We formed quickly formed a protective circle with our carts even as more cries sounded. In the span of 10 more minutes, there were only five of us left. 5 more minutes and we were down to three ponies. One of them, I think her name was Amber, cried out just as the others did, a trickle of blood pouring out her nose.
The other, a mare I didn't know, soon followed. I looked at the blood pouring out her left ear, wondering what happened to bring the wrath of Celestia down on them. 3 hours passed by with me standing there, nothing to look at except the bodies of my fallen friends. I'd traveled with these ponies for days, and came to think of many of them as my family.
"Why?" I asked aloud. Tears started dripping on the hot sand beneath me, a sob escaping my mouth. Soon the tears stopped, but the sob didn't. I thought of "Father's" face this morning during the ceremony, he said we would become one with the life power. All we had to do was drink the holy water and cross the plains. He stayed behind, saying he must lead other's on the holy path.
I think now he meant to kill us all. If so, why am I not dead? I should be dead.
It started getting harder to think, grief and betrayal overtaking me.
Once more before the sun set, a cry of agony rang out over the desert.

Cheers for the plug! We have three actual entries so far, plus a couple more stated-intentions-to-enter, plus several people I'm sure will enter. So my fear of nobody giving a damn and the contest ending up with zero entries is at least over now. :P

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