The Old CountrySpike's been here before. He's sure of it. Except... he hasn't. The northern border of Yakyakistan is so far from Ponyville it might as well be another world entirely. So why does it feel like he's already home?by Astrarian
18,454 words
· 142 · 3
Brighter than GoldGilda tries to make a friend, even though she's no good at making friends and no-one in lousy Griffonstone is worth making friends with Astrarian
1,210 words
· 47 · 1
If My Heart Was A CompassSpitfire says some things about beds and Rainbow Dash makes some decisions about where to rest her Astrarian
5,770 words
· 48 · 1
Also writing words sometimes on AO3, under the same username.
An anthology of entries for the monthly flashfiction contest, comprising 150 words or (rarely) less. Individual flashfic details are in the long description.
Princess Celestia has been expecting an alicorn transformation. Imagine her surprise when a no-name horse from another world pips Twilight to the post. Now imagine how surprised the no-name horse himself must be.
How should two ponies carry on partying when the rest of the party has gone home? When one of them is Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie knows the answer is a race. In the end there's more on the line and on Dash's mind than simple victory, though.
It's Rarity's birthday and Sweetie Belle has baked a cake for her, because cake is one of the best parts of a birthday. As it happens, Opalescence thinks exactly the same thing.
Spike's been here before. He's sure of it. Except... he hasn't. The northern border of Yakyakistan is so far from Ponyville it might as well be another world entirely. So why does it feel like he's already home?
Applejack notices an out of place noise in the orchard, and finds Fluttershy there. The reason for Fluttershy's visit turns out to be one Applejack hadn't thought of.