They're all being rude or ignoring her!
It must be an attack by a vile villain, she never did truly trust that fiend Starlight!
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LOL that was hilarious, poor Ember!
At least Spike/Smolder had fun!

Yay! Glad you're back :)
Pretty funny
Thank you, glad you enjoyed.
Nice to be back.


*sees "Mane 5" tag used*

*reads story and seen no mentions at all of any G5 ponies*
And once again, another newbie has wrongly used the G5 group character tag in the mistaken belief that it means "Main 6 without Twilight".
At this point, I'm beginning to seriously consider if I need to start harassing all the mods and admins, because it's just getting ridiculous how frequently I'm still seeing new writers continue to make this silly mistake. I mean, really, it shouldn't be that difficult to simply rename a tag to say "Main 5 (G5)" so that readers and writers could much more easily differentiate it from "Main 6", just like how "Main 7 (EqG)" is obviously intended for Equestria Girls.
I've been insisting on this simple clarification for weeks now! Am I just talking to empty air or what?

Sorry for the mistake, I fixed it.
I certainly appreciate your willingness to very quickly correct that mistake.
What's been frustrating me lately is that a lot of other people have also made that same simple mistake, and while I've made attempts to contact the mods to suggest a simple renaming of that tag to better clarify which characters it's supposed to be used for, I've so far received practically no responses at all.
Really, how much more do I have to make a big deal about this nonsense before someone finally does something about it?
I dunno I'm still newish. I thought main 5 meant the main 6 minus twilight, didn't know G5 was using the main thing too.
I did this joke briefly in one of my stories but nowhere this funny.
, I'll need to check it out tomorrow.
you know, i'm not certain this was necessary to add
So what did she need help with anyway?
Have you ever tried wearing glasses?

The Griffon Kingdom wished to visit the Dragon Lands, and discuss future plans and treaties. She wanted Twilight to be like an ambassador of goodwill, and help her keep stuff or herself from getting things in hot water. I actually have a future story planned, on the idea.
I wanted a little dark humor, plus to show , just how much Ember was jumping the gun. XD. But yeah, that's real dark Marshmallow torture.
God damn it I love that meme and the artist who did this did really well
I know right!? It just inspired me from a glimpse, lol.
, Now that's priceless!
Theory…. Ember needs glasses, her eyesight is terrible, but she doesn’t realize it…. Or maybe she’s scared the other dragons will make fun of her?
Contact lenses to the rescue then.
Ah yes, daily adventures in face-blindness. I know the pain XD
Hee, these replies made my day , lol. Ty.
Wow, the cover picture and the last 2 paragraph is a reference to a meme!
Yeah, the Meme inspired this story.
This is a good fanfic it has all my favourite characters in it. Twilight and all the other Twilights.
Children had a real tendency to exaggerate, especially with such rumors.
I don't know; that story sounded legit to me
, Ty
This was great but I felt like that end bit was kind of pushed too hard into the story since it was just saying the meme.
Face-blindness, also known as prosopagnosia. It is usually (if not always) caused by either damage or underdevelopment of an area of the right hemisphere responsible for facial recognition. I have had this since birth as a result of a right hemisphere stroke which was a result of being born prematurely.
In Ember’s case, though, one would think that she would be able to learn to identify ponies by their cutie marks. It takes a bit of practice and it uses a different brain region than facial recognition so one would think that she could learn to do this. At the very least one would think that she would notice that cows, ducks, bran, marshmallows, and cotton candy do not have cutie marks. I sometimes wish that humans had cutie marks. It would make it easier to tell which one is which without having to rely on the sound of their voices.
Ouch. I think mine is more a disconnect between the different observations I make when I see someone's face than an actual condition. My whole brain operates on a warped game of connect the dots where I see tons of additional dots and none of them are numbered :P
Someone needs glasses or something.
Ember Magoo!