• Member Since 20th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 23rd, 2022


I'm a freelance artist ranging from graphic design to commissioned works. I enjoy reading MLP fanfics and was drawn to this place thanks to all the great stories held within...


New Episodes? · 3:40pm Jul 21st, 2018

Hey, long time no blog.

I've been noticing that Knightly and some other members of FimFiction as well as the wiki have been talking about new episodes after The Mean Six but I haven't seen hide nor hair of them.

My DVR never records these episodes (I have Dish Network), and I just recorded every episode for this Saturday morning but they were all reruns.

Anyone have any idea of what's going on?

Report Wacky · 317 views ·
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Thanks to add Humdrum vs Power Ponies at your favorites. XD

Don't worry about it--we all need help sometimes; no shame in that.

Great to hear about finding an apartment and a car. So long as it's somewhat reliable you're okay. Hope things turn around for the better for you soon.

Thanks for the money man. I really do appreciate it. Before this I had just joined the SCP site and was going to try writing some horror articles for them (A challenge since they have strict quality rules). I contacted my mother who I have a better relationship with and she's going to ask around town and ask about apartments. Also going to talk to a friend who knows about cars to help me find a decent used car.

2114231 Even if it were I wouldn't be worried--we're a very geological stable area and its only level one radioactive material (like the mops and buckets used at nuclear power plants) so none of it is toxic to touch. You just don't want it in a landfill is all.

2114211 Ugh, I heard. Hopefully it ain't happening in your neck of the woods.

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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New Episodes? · 3:40pm Jul 21st, 2018

Hey, long time no blog.

I've been noticing that Knightly and some other members of FimFiction as well as the wiki have been talking about new episodes after The Mean Six but I haven't seen hide nor hair of them.

My DVR never records these episodes (I have Dish Network), and I just recorded every episode for this Saturday morning but they were all reruns.

Anyone have any idea of what's going on?

Report Wacky · 317 views ·

New Episodes? · 3:40pm Jul 21st, 2018

Hey, long time no blog.

I've been noticing that Knightly and some other members of FimFiction as well as the wiki have been talking about new episodes after The Mean Six but I haven't seen hide nor hair of them.

My DVR never records these episodes (I have Dish Network), and I just recorded every episode for this Saturday morning but they were all reruns.

Anyone have any idea of what's going on?

Report Wacky · 317 views ·

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