Upheaval: Breaking PointA desperate war, old enemies returning and past mistakes come together to alter Equestria forever.by Visiden Visidane
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3174934 Acceptable is more than enough for me no matter what the scale. Although you saying I captured the characters voices is something I consider high praise. Glad you liked it and thanks for the thumbs-up.
3174209 Acceptable is actually pretty good, I am just far too strict in rating things. It was certainly enjoyable and deserved my thumbs up! You really did a great job with the character voices.
. Although you saying I captured the characters voices is something I consider high praise. Glad you liked it and thanks for the thumbs-up.
Acceptable is more than enough for me no matter what the scale
Acceptable is actually pretty good, I am just far too strict in rating things. It was certainly enjoyable and deserved my thumbs up! You really did a great job with the character voices.
Thanks so much for all your great comments on show business. I'm glad to see you have decided that is "acceptable"
Thanks for reading How Not to Woo a Fluttershy. I hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks for taking the time to read Lingmare IV: The Quest for Fans. I hope you enjoyed it?