The reason I write is because I want to read a story written for myself. One day, I want to read one of my own stories and say to myself "That is the best story I have ever read."
Hardcore animation enthusiast chilling away in this dimension and unbothered by his non-corporeal form. Also likes pastel cartoon ponies. They do that to people. And ghosts.
I'm new to the whole fanfic writing scene, currently working on a story, but looking for editors and someone to bounce ideas off of.
A Canadian brony who enjoys writing stories. On rare occasions I even post those stories here.
We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!
"Anything described can be described s'more." -the Lolly Family
A Thestral mare who enjoys reading amazing stories almost as much as she enjoys writing them. Come on over to Luna's night and see just what you've all been missing in your sun-lit days.
Hello, I am a graphic designer who enjoys MLP. Drawing, writing, and proofreading are the main things I like to share with others.
Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
Fanfiction writer/reader/enthusiast & fan of all things Pony!
Moderator of Protect Celestia. Aside from that I'm a prereader/writer who farts about this site to an excessive degree. Currently have three stories going at the moment.
Writing graduate who loves cartoon horses and all manner of silly things. Occasionally writes serious stories. A divine Swedish woman drew this avatar.
Vocal lurker hereabouts, and going to actually write something EVENTUALLY... Huzzah for ponies!
Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...
Be excellent to each other, and PARTY ON, DUDES! ~ Abraham Lincoln
Formerly Fimfiction Drama, and now under new management. Found juicy drama? Know of an event not yet covered? Let us know!
Father of twin 8yo boys, partner of Arcelia, and so glad to remain here.
Are you ready, kids? Also a thingy so my pizza funds don't run out anytime soon.
Author of "Filly Fooling," "Cuddling," and "Spread."
Someone once said I was passive aggressive. I disagree. I am far too impatient for that. I prefer just being normal aggressive. Don't worry about 'maybe' upsetting me, you will know.
Aspiring writer, self-proclaimed hardcore gamer, adept of human psychology. Does not consider excessive pride for a vice.
A Midwest brony who enjoys writing about adorkable unicorns and alien invasions. Come join me for XCOM 2 livestreams!
"What is be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" -Paarthurnax, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Greetings, I am Merlos the Mad. I am a dabbler of both words and wizardry in my free time. I also invite you all to partake in my musings. Take care though, as they are the product of a madman.
How does it feel to reach the line that no one ever got to cross? Does it make you a god now? | Soon™
A talking rifle. Gameplay programmer and aspiring writer. Writes stories with whimsical humor, stories with looming conspiracies and HiE that pokes fun at his choice of school/study.
Thanks, but please don't send me cash "tips." Instead, support this charity: The Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club.
I am an undead user, meaning that I'm alive but not very active on this website. I appreciate it if you like my stories, though.
I am a thousand tiny ponies operating a mobile human suit for giggles.