• Member Since 21st Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 11th



Barcast Interview This Saturday · 12:12am Nov 19th, 2019

What to ask me something, but don't have the internal fortitude to PM me? Well now there's a better way! I'll be on the Barcast this Saturday the 23rd, and you can post questions here

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'The Mare Behind the Mare' Inducted Into The Royal Canterlot Library · 10:02pm Jul 21st, 2019

I'm honored and humbled to announce that the prestigious curators of the Royal Canterlot Library have decided to feature 'The Mare Behind the Mare' as their most recent inclusion, despite me not making it particularly easy for them to track me down so I could complete the interview portion. Technically, this is my first story added to the library, as Hard Reset was added when they were still the

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Hard Reset: The Movie: The Netflix Miniseries: The Review · 4:56am Feb 13th, 2019

I'm not actually going to subject you to the same shtick as when I reviewed Edge of Tomorrow. That's funny once and only once. But! This past weekend I watched Russian Doll on Netflix, Which is very much a merger between Groundhog Day and, uh, probably Final Destination, but I'll get to that. And it reminded me that there was this website I used to write for where I had a

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Reviews of Games You'll Probably Never Play If you Haven't Already: The Dig · 1:27am May 1st, 2017

Oh my God, Eakin! You're making blog posts after being away for so long! Does that mean you're going to start updating your stories again?

What a great question!

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How To: Slice of Life · 11:36pm Feb 12th, 2015

I wrote this back in 2013 for the site, but it never ended up getting posted anywhere. I fought it again today when I was sifting through my Google Docs folder and I figured that since I haven't had much of a presence on the site for the last couple of months I might as well toss it up in the hopes that somepony somewhere finds it helpful.

How To: Slice of Life

Slice of Life is probably the least informative tag you can give a story.

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The Dos and Don'ts of OCs · 1:12am Oct 21st, 2014

OCs. An acronym that sends a cold shudder down the spine of so many long-time FimFiction readers, and not without good reason. Nary a day goes by without the ‘New Stories’ box being graced with a story wherein some new pony wanders into town and befriends our beloved cast. And for the most part, these stories are... less than good. Which is a shame, really, because a good OC can open a ton of doors for an author to take their stories in directions that just aren’t possible if they restrict

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Character Roleplay Meme: Azalea and Twilight Sparkle · 5:11pm Oct 4th, 2014

Same deal as last time.


Twi: I’m Twilight Sparkle, alicorn Princess of Equestria. I’m 28.

Az: Like there’s anypony out there who doesn’t know who you are at this point. We can barely go two weeks without your picture showing up in the paper.

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First World Author Problems · 10:45pm Sep 27th, 2014

Cataloging the suffering of all us poor writers with thousands of followers.

"My story was only in the feature box for three days? Didn't anyone like it?"

"God, I hate that one tiny pixel of red in the likes-dislikes ratio."

"It's so awful to reply to all your comments, refresh the page, and find that fifteen more have been added in the last five minutes."

"I'm so well-established that the top ten entries in my story box never change. It's getting so repetitive."

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Character Roleplay Meme: Main Course and Ebony Glimmer · 3:11am Sep 26th, 2014

Well, since Wade tagged me in his blog post, I thought I’d give this a shot. Might be fun. You can read the rules over there, and I’m sure you can guess who the characters are. I’m going to shake it up a bit, though. I’m going to skip the ‘Tag other authors’ step since I generally find the whole chain-letter style ‘challenge’ to be annoying. If you want to get in on it, just jump in with a post of

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Why I Took Down 'Magnum Opus Dissonance.' · 3:18pm Sep 11th, 2014

So, if you were on late last night/early this morning, you might have seen the latest story I wrote in a sleep-deprived, ninety minute haze: Magnum Opus Dissonance, about a suicidally depressed Octavia lamenting that one of her works had overshadowed all her others, and chronicling the depression and intrusive thoughts of violence that lead up to an ambiguous choice to OD on painkillers and commit suicide. You know, just a little light and fun reading at four in the morning.

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