• Member Since 18th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Someone once said I was passive aggressive. I disagree. I am far too impatient for that. I prefer just being normal aggressive. Don't worry about 'maybe' upsetting me, you will know.


This story is a sequel to A Little Push

He never seems to fit in. Some of them are dynamic and active, he is passive. Some of them are driven, he is lethargic. Some of them talk, he simply listens. Yet nopony doubts that he is a true friend.

Turquoise Blitz and Prism Bolt have a relationship, to the eyes of most ponies, roughly equivalent to what their mothers had. All it takes is one incident in their youth to form a bond with no words, no promises and total understanding.

And, as is often the case, the strongest bonds are christened in blood.

This is my entry to Kilala97's Fun Fact Fanfic Contest.

Proofreading done by Imaginary Valued.

Chapters (1)

One normal and completely average morning, everything went wrong. Rarity arrives at the Castle of Friendship to pick up Spike for their weekly gem hunting trip, only to find that Spike has locked himself in his room and Twilight is working herself into a frenzy in the library. As she tries to piece together what happened that morning, and mend a damaged friendship, she'll make a number of startling revelations.

Some of them bigger than others.

Cover art used with permission of Kilala97.

Thanks to The Albinocorn for proof reading.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Wingover

When the biannual Wonderbolt Exhibition in Manehattan turns into a disaster zone, even the most skilled of pegasi will find themselves tested.

Prism Bolt has been coasting through life since his brief moment in the sun during Tornado Duty. His brother, Icy Storm, has set his sights on being a flier greater than even their mother, to the exclusion of all else. Will the turbulence from this event give their lives new direction, or will it send them spiraling into disaster? The time has come for the children of Rainbow Dash to choose their own paths in life. These two brothers, different as night and day, will find that perhaps they have more to learn from each other than they realized.

AN: This is the fourth and final part to a series that began with the story 'A Little Push.' I highly recommend reading the other three stories for maximum enjoyment.

The characters, art and pretty much everything except the story concept belong to Kilala97. She's awesome and you should check her stuff out.

Proofreading done by the grammatical force of nature, Prak. This is another guy you should check out, cause man can he write humor.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Little Push

Everypony must be so jealous of him. His parents are both retired members of the illustrious Wonderbolts. His mother was the last bearer of the Element of Loyalty, the only pony in hundreds of years to perform a Sonic Rainboom, and a key party in saving Equestria at least a dozen times.

But there are two sides to fame. As Prism Bolt strives to become his own pony, he'll find that stepping out from the shadow of his mother is easier said than done.

Once again, all credit for OCs goes to the supremely talented Kilala97

Proofreading done by the one and only, Prak. An author who deserves much more recognition than he gets.

Chapters (1)

All I do is wait, wait for you to grow up. When you have grown up, we can be together, and all these problems will evaporate. This is my mantra, it is what keeps me waiting for you, because I know that one day we will find happiness.

An idea I came up with after 'Simple Ways'. I hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to In Her Shadow

It is amazing how time can change some ponies. Once, the very prospect of flying terrified Prism Bolt. Now, he soars through the sky, lording his skill over any pony he can. It's all in good fun, he doesn't mean anything by it.


When practicing for Tornado Day, a single poorly timed slip-up destroys any respect the citizens of Ponyville had for him. To earn it back is going to require hard work, something the pegasus has always dodged.

Perhaps all he needed was the right motivation.

Once again, all original characters contained herein are the property of Kilala97.

Massive amounts of editing and proofreading done by Prak.

Chapters (1)

Prism Bolt, the son of Rainbow Dash and Soarin, is destined for greatness. Everypony knows he will be an expert flier, just like his parents. This is not speculation, this is fact. There is just one tiny little problem.

He's afraid of heights.

When Rainbow Dash attempts to encourage her son, she will find that not everything in the world comes as easily to her as flying did.

Once again, original characters and cover art are the creations of the incredibly talented Kilala97. Check out her works and give her some love!

Thanks to Flint Sparks for pre reading!

Chapters (1)

Anthea has seen the world as blobs of color for her entire life. Somepony offers her the chance of a lifetime, true sight. What is the price of this gift, and will the pain of losing the sight be worth the temporary delight in having it?

Characters are based on the OCs designed by the incredible Kilala97, who also made the awesome cover art! Identification of OCs can be found: here and here.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is growing older. Shining Armor is rising through the ranks of the guard. Their paths will soon diverge, but Shining Armor cannot bear the idea of her wandering off alone. Thankfully, he has someone just as reliable to take over his job.

Cover Art by the incredibly talented HorusLV

This is part of a friendly contest between myself and Draconian Soul. The challenge being to write a Spike/Shining Armor brofic. He also was a major editing force of nature on my story, and his help was very much appreciated.

His story was A Shining Pair.

Special Thanks: Pretty much the entire 'Twilight's Library' Skype Chat: Flint Sparks, cooopercrisp, Einhander, Figments, Frission, Mook Massacre, JustAnotherTimeLord, YipYapper and anyone else I may have forgotten!

This story has been 100% approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (1)

Clover the Clever owes all she is in life to the whim of the unicorn princess. Platinum isn't perfect, but Clover has seen first hand the good she can do.

Thanks to my proofreaders: Skeeter the Lurker, Mook Massacre and Flint Sparks.

Chapters (1)