• Member Since 20th May, 2016
  • offline last seen June 15th

The Portal Passer

I am a entity that travels through the void of the multiverse, as I watch as the multitude of stories unfold within the many universes, some great, some bizare, and some downright wrong

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Superhero Stories

Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

I loved Projcect new world, and I can't wait to see what you do with sweetie belle and bublegum

thanks for the watch, and which of my fics do you like so far?


Thanks for reading my story! :heart:

Thanks for favoriting "The Measure of a Dragon!":twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding my story to your favorites, I hope that means you enjoyed it.

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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