• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 25th, 2022


Pokemon nerd and Zelda fan, and a senior in college. Majoring in Psychology.


Decision · 2:24pm Jun 10th, 2015

I think I have come to a decision. I think most of my stress was for getting involved in the TCB chaos. When I had first heard about TCB I was curious about all the viciousness that was said about it so I decided to research. It didn't help that I was going through a chaotic time in my life which made me do things that I now regret. I regret getting involved in it, I knew it was a terrible idea and yet I still did it. I have no good excuse for it, but I do apologize for some of my behavior.

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Report ApparitionsShadow · 415 views ·
Comments ( 42 )
  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42

Thanks for the watch :twilightsmile:

Oh aren't you the cutest things ever! <hugs the cthululestia>

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