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Temples of Ivory and Blood

It was sickening to even stand on, if sickeningly fascinating, and disgusting to walk over. There were spells in the basic matrix of protection charms weaved over Twilight's body that entirely prevented contact with the matter around her if activated. They were meant to protect from things like acid or poison, but for once Twilight had turned them on herself, merely because she did not want to touch the ground there.

If ground it could even be called. As far as the eye could see, the surface looked more akin to bare, living flesh than anything else. Like she was over top of a gigantic animal someone had ripped the skin away from. Something akin to rivers seemed to be in the distance, redder than what they ran through, and Twilight guessed they didn't just look like they were filled with blood. Here and there, jutting out as naturally as teeth from a leg, spikes and spires of what looked like bone ripped through the surface and stood against the hazy wine-red sky.

The whole world seemed like a giant open wound. The rare white peaks like broken bones stabbing through a maimed body, the flesh beneath Twilight's hooves still almost wet and squishy and giving off the distinct feeling that it was in pain, even if Twilight could not quite point to how. There was no visible light in the sky, but light did shine somehow through the world. The flesh seemed to occasionally writhe beneath her steps, as if whatever she was walking on knew she was there. But she did not dare fly, she did not like the way the air felt there.

She would have left sooner, were it not for the one other notable thing there.

It looked like an actual building, and that in itself was notable. It looked like a temple, if Twilight had to specify what kind, columns on the front side upon which rested a large triangular section decorated with a bas-relief of some kind and past that the rest of the building spreading out in a roughly rectangular shape, though a section in the middle made it closer to a cross of sorts.

It looked like it could have been built out of the carcass of a giant beast, though given its surroundings it was just as likely it had merely sprouted from the ground. The columns and a large part of the structure were as unmistakably bone-like as the jagged spikes dotting the plains around, yet distinctly more polished and almost elegant, though Twilight despised associating that term with the building. The bas-relief itself has some flesh covering most of it, with bone still sticking out in places, though it appeared that was reserved for specific elements of the scene. A scene Twilight did not hold her attention over for long, as the longer she did the sicker she felt.

She walked inside, up a few steps before passing through the front columns. The first room had no ceiling, and was surrounded by columns on three side, a wall with open doors on the fourth, opposite the entrance. In its centre was a fountain, again flesh-covered bone, spilling out what looked and smelt like fresh blood. A few seats were near the sides, benches looking more like carved teeth with annexed gums at the bottom than anything else. Past the doors, in the darker interior, Twilight could make out something like a seat farther away from the entrance.

Then she heard something. Laughing, from inside the building, an unnaturally clear sound that shot chills up her limbs and spine. She turned and fled, marching as fast as she could over the convulsing flesh ground, and all the while the laughter followed her, its tone and volume and pitch unchanging in her ears. She stepped through her portal, almost throwing herself inside it, and a voice spoke clear as she left. "You'll be back."

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