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"Shining!" Cadence called again, louder, clearer than before. The cracks far ahead spread further towards him, and did not stop. He kept moving towards the light, running at that point, and a moment later the darkness around him shattered, and he could see the sky again.

He was still standing in the building Sombra had sent him against after first showing up. No crater in the ground between him and the palace, no blown up buildings around town. Sombra was closer to him, growling, fending off blasts of Cadence's magic as she flew around him. "Cadence!" Shining called, and his horn ignited as he too fired against Sombra.

His target saw the blast coming, and dissipated into a pool of shadows before reappearing back at the base of the palace. "Are you okay?" Cadence asked, flying down to land at Shining's side.

"I am now," Shining said, eyes focusing on the unicorn staring down at them. "Do you think we can use the Heart?"

Sombra oddly didn't seem all too upset about having lost his hold over Shining's mind. It wasn't easy to tell with the unnatural amount of fangs filling the pony's mouth and their sharpness and curvature, but he looked more like he was chuckling than anything. "We could try," said Cadence, "but without the ponies of the Empire it likely won't be as useful. It's best we prevent him from getting his hooves on it."

Shining silently agreed, thinking about what to do next. He didn't have to wonder for long about what Sombra was planning, however. The unicorn's red horn was engulfed in magic, but while both partners readied themselves to avoid an incoming blast or defend against it, Sombra did something else instead.

Faster than either of them could react to, he spun his head, unleashing the spell he'd charged up. Magic extended from his horn like a giant crimson blade, and in one swoop of his neck it severed through the structure of the tower behind him. A crack echoed across the streets of the Empire, like a giant bone being broken. Both Shining and Cadence watched in disbelief as, just a moment later, the building began to slide off where it had been cut.

Their first instinct was to rush towards the falling tower. Halfway there, however, they were met with Sombra's own charge. His magic and horn clashed against Shining's shield, reinforced by Cadence's powers, and though the couple dug their hooves in they were still being pushed back by the snarling unicorn.

Shining was caught in a moment of tense indecision, trying to plan a way to get past Sombra and towards the broken building before it began to fall completely. But as he watched, still straining his neck to hold his ground against his opponent's charge, he saw the tower's fall halt in the air, and noticed the sheen of his siter's magic wrapped around it. Another look confirmed she'd flown back there.

Cadence, at his side, also saw what he did. They glanced at each other, both still mainly focused on the pony in front of them, and briefly nodded. Cadence disappeared in a blink of light. Shining was left to hold against Sombra's magic alone, and his shield immediately started to crack, but he did not have to resist more than a second. A blast of energy came from Cadence's horn to Sombra's side, and the unicorn once more dissipated in a pool of shadows, screeching as he was hit.

Once more, he reappeared ahead of them. He looked briefly at the building, floating in the air, then stared down the duo. He growled at them.

Shining charged.

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