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"Well..." Shining released a breath he'd been holding in slightly too long. "I won't mind."

Rainbow smirked, before shifting into a serious expression again. Her sword materialised at her side, aimed towards the mutated pony in front of them. "Permission to kill?" she asked.

Shining actually hesitated for a second, tensing at the question. "Granted," he finally said. It wasn't like he'd have held back if he'd had a chance at it.

Rainbow tensed as well, for different reasons, then she took off. She flew relatively close to the ground, not daring the stronger winds blowing higher above, but still high enough to be around eye level for the creature. She did not want to risk it hitting somepony else if it fired at her.

Her fear proved justified as almost immediately a stream of energy she only narrowly avoided streaked towards her. She moved a little higher, noticing the angle at which the spell had been fired and the way it still was headed towards the ground. Everything happened like it was slowed down to her perception, perks of being used to executing precise maneuvers at high speeds. Though she wondered if Luna's dream magic didn't have some effect on it as well.

As she got closer, it became harder to dodge properly. She would have been hit if she'd continued a frontal charge, and either way she was unsure of whether she'd built up enough speed, so before getting too close to the former pony she turned and began to circle around it, still accelerating her flight. At first it seemed to work, but while she was still behind the creature it fired a bolt precisely towards her, despite looking the other way, forcing her to push herself upwards and slightly causing her to lose speed.

She immediately dove down as she kept circling the creature, and her hunch proved to be correct as the next shot flew over her, though still perfectly aligned with her horizontal position. Somehow the creature was keeping exact track of where she was around it, even with how fast she was moving.

Not a big deal. She picked up extra speed by heading downwards like that, and closed in towards the creature. As she turned around it she suddenly pushed herself upwards again, just narrowly avoiding impact with the ground and unleashing a strong gust of wind from the whiplash. The creature tried to fire at her again, but she was too close at that point, next to its chest as she shot upwards like a blur and beneath its head, in its blind spot.

Her sword struck through the creature's skull from beneath. She hit so hard and fast its whole body was lifted upwards by the impact before properly sinking into her blow. Its neck joints cracked and popped as they were stretched and strained. Her blade hit the thick, overgrown mass of the creature's horn, and slid to the side after a moment more of tension, finally fully piercing through its head up to the hilt. Rainbow let go of it and flew back, carefully watching for any signs of movement and ready to act again if what she'd done had not been enough.

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