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"My dreams have been kinda weird, lately. Mostly ice and snow, as far as I remember," Applejack said, taking a sip of hot chocolate from her mug.

"Huh." Rainbow took a sip from her own mug. "Might just be the season. Anything else?"

Applejack briefly frowned in thought. "Well, there was yesterday's dream. I dreamt I was a cow."

Rainbow Dash almost spit out her chocolate. "A cow? That's honestly kind of hilarious. I wish I could have seen that."

"Hey now. I was out there saving the world," Applejack replied. "Something about a key or something. You were also there, I think? Not you you though. More like, this weird fire breathing lizard thing that I think my brain was basing off of you."

"So a dragon?" asked Rainbow.

"No, it didn't really have wings," replied Applejack, shaking her head. "And it had hooves, I'm pretty sure. It was more like a weird scaly dragon horse."

"Like a kirin?"

"Less horsey and more lizardy than that. No hair, all scales." Applejack drank some more chocolate. "She was also a lot nicer than you, I remember that."

Rainbow Dash pouted. A few seconds passed. "Maybe you wouldn't look so bad as a cow. Would I look bad as a cow? I mean I wanna keep the wings, of course, but I was just thinking."

"It wasn't really me turned into a cow, it was more like its own cow that also happened to be me. You know, dream stuff and all." Applejack set down her empty mug on the table.

"No no, I get that, I'm just saying. If it was us being turned into cows, I think it wouldn't look too bad on you." She took another sip of chocolate, nearly done with it herself. "And I could probably pull it off too. It's me we're talking about, after all. What about the others?"

"Well, Rarity's halfway there. Just slap some black spots on her, you're basically done. Reckon she'd make a pretty great cow, actually."

Rainbow stared into the distance for a moment, imagining the scene. "She would." She shook herself out. "But there's more to a cow than just colour. We should swap out her horn too."

"Hooves as well," Applejack went on, "lots of ponies who forget cow hooves are different. We ought to trim her tail, too."

"Oh, and we should probably give her a bell for her neck!" said Rainbow.

"And then we could mark her and give her an ear tag." Applejack fell suddenly silent. "'Kay, maybe that's going too far. She's still our friend and all that. Shouldn't treat her like that just because she's turned into cattle. We don't do that stuff with the regular cattle anyway."

Rainbow reluctantly nodded, still processing the mental images Applejack had conjured up. "Right. But she would make for a great cow." She forced herself to finish her chocolate so her mouth would stay occupied.

"That she would," Applejack agreed with a nod. "Rarity would make for one mighty fine cow indeed."

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