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"So, you see yourself as yourself right now, right?" asked the stallion. "Don't worry about Scarlet, she won't be back soon. If I know her, she's having tea with Silver right now. She always has tea with Silver when she goes there to visit, mostly because Silver keeps a jar of cookies there on the table and Scarlet can pretend that breaking her diet by eating from there is a form of courtesy towards Silver. Silver Lace, I don't think Scarlet actually mentioned her name to you, she's a friend. We used to always call her Silver Lace back when we were young, but Silver Spear doesn't live around here any longer so we don't need to specify. I do wonder what he's up to these days."

Twilight's clone cleared her throat, to draw back his attention. "Yes, I do see myself as myself right now." They had moved to the kitchen, and the stallion had brought down a mirror for her to stand in front of.

"Sorry, got distracted again." The stallion shook his head. "Well, first thing first, you should try to turn it off."

"Turn what off?" Twilight's clone glared at him, lifting an eyebrow.

"...It," said the stallion. "I'm not actually sure what it is. I'm not even sure you feel it the same way I do, in fact I suspect that's not the case at all. But there should be something you can feel somewhere inside you, maybe like a switch. You need to learn to recognise that."

"Not feeling anything different right now," Twilight's clone replied. The stallion clearly wasn't as crazy as she might have originally assumed, but he wasn't all there mentally either, and she was hesitant to trust everything he said. She had to hope she could get something out of him that she could work with.

The stallion sat down, a hoof under his chin. "Hmm. I'm guessing it is sort of like a switch for you. Once it's set you can't really pin it down. If you could force it to change you'd probably notice where it is, now that you're paying attention. Maybe if we figure out how you did it the first time?" He looked up at her. "Do you remember when you changed, back in the woods, just before we got to the edge of town? When I pointed out you'd changed? Did you do something before that point? It can't have happened much sooner than that."

Twilight's clone thought about it for a moment. "There was... I thought about needing to not be seen, by anyone else. That can't be it, right? You're telling me I can just think up something like this?"

"You did watch me pull a bowl of soup out of a tree trunk. I thought your disbelief was sufficiently suspended at this point, with the picture coming out of the table leg and all."

Twilight's clone looked at the stallion, her expression bothered mostly by the fact that she didn't have an argument against what he'd said. "So should I just think about looking like something else, or not doing it, or anything of that?"

The stallion shrugged. "Won't hurt to try, no?"

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