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"What is that?" Fluttershy asked.

Rarity leaned forward, looking at what the pegasus was looking at. "I'm not sure. It looks like a butterfly?" It did, and yet it didn't. It was like a glass blown statuette of a butterfly, yet it moved, it was clearly alive. Really, Fluttershy was supposed to be the animal expert, if she didn't know what it was then Rarity knew herself devoid of chance. Even with something that almost resembled a gem more than a living thing.

"A crystal butterfly," Paper said. He startled the two mares, who had not seen him approach. "Very creatively named, I'm aware. They are a post-Arrival species native here in the Empire, mainly found within the Wall. It's a rather rare occurrence to see one outside." He tilted his head. "All the commotion must have startled it."

Fluttershy took a slow step closer. "It's very pretty." It really was, Rarity thought so too. "Is it dangerous?" Fluttershy asked.

"It is the least dangerous thing found within the Wall," Paper replied. "Granted, the next least dangerous thing is potentially deadly, so that in itself is not necessarily sufficient reassurance. But it is harmless, even when compared to most regular species outside. No worse than a normal butterfly, if a little heavier."

Fluttershy stepped closer still, lowering herself a little in an attempt to not scare away the butterfly. Rarity stayed back for the same reason, just watching the animal flutter around, the way light shone through it and made it glimmer and shimmer. "Do you think she'll be able to touch it?" she quietly asked to Paper, turning her head just enough for it.

"Maybe," he replied just as quietly. "It depends on whether the butterfly wants to be touched or not. I suppose it has less of a reason not to than a regular butterfly, its wings are not as frail."

Fluttershy was just a couple of metres from the butterfly, and practically lying on the ground at that point. She kept looking up and ahead at it, following its back and forth, left and right wandering with her eyes. One moment it seemed to be coming closer, the next it moved away again.

Some time passed. Maybe minutes, maybe a little less, no one was sure. Fluttershy kept looking at the butterfly, Rarity kept looking at Fluttershy and the butterfly, Paper kept being there and not saying anything.

Fluttershy got a little braver. She took a step forward, she raised herself a little. If the butterfly noticed her, it was not scared away. It kept floating around, without a clear direction and always in the same area, passing close to Fluttershy then moving away.

Fluttershy stood up properly, and took one more step forward. She put herself in the butterfly's path and, upon next passing there, the animal was at first confused to find its previous transit space occupied. It hovered briefly in place, then it moved forward, and placed itself on top of Fluttershy's nose. It stayed there for a few seconds. Then it flew away.

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