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Cadence appeared to hold the shield at Shining's side, stopping the cracks that were starting to form and holding against the blast Stella had fired, in time to see the explosion resolve and Twilight's body being enveloped by the other alicorn's magic. Everything was still for a moment as the dust settled, then Stella's spell faded away. Twilight's horn dislodged itself from the other's neck, leaving a dry open wound behind, and her body fell limp to the ground, eyes white, coat singed.

Stella looked down at Twilight as everyone looked at her, panting, slowly coming into a smile. She was about to open her mouth and laugh and light her horn and show all of Equestria her victory. Faster than Shining and Cadence dropping their shield and beginning to charge towards her, the pegasus who'd brought them there blinked in and out of reality at Fluttershy's side, and took her along as she disappeared.

They reappeared at Stella's side, in touching distance. Perhaps underestimating the meek pegasus, perhaps still high off her victory, perhaps simply believing herself superior, perhaps just distracted and tired after the fight, Stella did not act immediately. She reasonably believed she'd get to a moment later. She was wrong. Fluttershy's wings made contact with her and her body seized up, an explosion of colours spreading through her coat and feathers and mane as foam began to come from her mouth, her joints locked up and her eyes vibrating.

The grey pegasus disappeared again, Twilight with her. They reappeared elsewhere, on a pristine white balcony overlooking an empty, partially destroyed city. There was only one pony who'd been ordered to stay there after the place had been evacuated, and upon seeing the two arrive she rushed forward, deathly worry on her face. The black spot on her chest was a crescent, barely a sliver, a Moon only just beginning to grow again after the previous day. She had taken to raising and lowering it herself, to shed Twilight some of the burden in those days, to honour her dreaming sister as she remained lost.

She did not speak as she placed her hooves over Twilight's unconscious body, as golden light began to spread from them and heal her wounds, but tears fell down on the younger pony's coat, while Celestia's face remained hidden behind her short, multicoloured mane hanging over her face. She was shaking lightly and her breathing was audible, tiny sighs and silent pleas slowly morphing into sobs as she hoped she was still in time. She would not push herself, Twilight had asked for it. But she would die regardless if things went that way, standing up against the one who'd reduced her loved one like that until it killed her.

Twilight's body looked no different than after a rough night of sleep as the glow finished washing over her. Mane and coat and feathers still ruffled, but no wounds left to see. Celestia watched her and hoped. And Twilight opened her eyes.

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