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Close The Circle

Stella didn't care about the projectiles coming towards her, not immediately at least. It would take them a moment to cross the distance from the ground or near it back up there, and she still had her horn inside Trixie's shield. She was not going to let go of that chance, though she did let go of Trixie herself just a moment later. Her neck whipped around and her horn lit up, and after grabbing hold of Trixie she hurled the unicorn around and threw her down to earth, into the oncoming barrage of her own spell.

Trixie, whose horn had shot out a few stray blasts as she'd tried to hit Stella after being grabbed, fell down too fast to be able to catch herself, and still with the wind knocked out of her lungs from being in the other's grasp. A portion of the shots she'd summoned skywards hit her shield on the way down, and though they did not break through the barrier the force of the impact still shook her. She reached the ground a moment later, leaving a small crater where her shield hit the earth, and quickly forced herself to stand up and alert again despite her injuries.

Far higher above and a short moment before, Stella prepared to face those blasts Trixie hadn't unwillingly intercepted, which were still most of them. There was no dodging a spread that wide, not that it would have mattered much. She tried to teleport to confirm what she was seeing, and found that the projectiles were indeed homing in on her, shifting their trajectory after her position changed. With nothing else to do but take them on, she dove downwards after Trixie.

As the red blasts quickly approached her, her horn shone bright. A shield came around her, and a wave spread out from her horn through the air. It shattered and consumed many of the projectiles it came in contact with, and those that made it through crashed against her shield. She grit her teeth as the impacts reverberated down her skull and took more magic out of her than she'd anticipated, but she pushed on, so fast that some of the blasts had to curve down to follow her.

Once she saw Trixie standing up, Stella spread her wings and halted herself in the air. In doing so she released another wave of energy behind herself, undoing all the shots still trailing behind her. The unicorn was visibly on edge, her horn glowing red. The two looked at each other, only one properly seeing the other. Suddenly Stella's horn shot a blast in the air, and it exploded in a bright flash that forced Trixie to close her eyes.

Stella smiled to herself. Her horn shone once more. She could see Trixie still focused on her, but it didn't matter. She had the unicorn right where she wanted her, and the other hadn't noticed. Stella's discarded regalia, lying at Trixie's hooves, suddenly and violently exploded.

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