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"That's surprising."

"What is?"

"You're sober today. You even slept enough, and you must have gone to bed early if you're up now looking this fresh."

"Maybe I'm just on cocaine."

"Trust me. I spent enough time working in Canterlot to tell. You're not. Besides, they don't sell coke at the bar."

Light cut in through the open window and into the room. It wasn't quite early in the morning anymore, but it was not late either, it was still closer to dawn than to noon. The air outside was ever so slightly humid, a pleasant thing given the relative heat of the Sun.

Lightning's bedroom was tidier than usual. No litter on the floor, no things too out of place, even her bed had a relative order to it, as much as a bed could after a pegasus had woken up in it. The pillow was slightly askew, the covers were rumpled, but no more than could be reasonably expected. And the mare herself, as Silver had noted, was doing perfectly okay. Maybe not great, but okay, and okay was more than could be said about her on a number of mornings.

She chuckled. Silver thought she looked serene, and her expression light-hearted. "I've sworn off the stuff on work days, you should know that. Getting wasted is reserved for when I'm tired but done for the day, and I don't have anything the day after." She leaned to each side, stretching her neck and popping joints in her shoulders and wings. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm still in service, and I could be called in again at any moment. It's a bit of a shame that we did basically nothing all of yesterday, but I'm glad things went well even without us."

"And I'm glad to hear you're glad." Silver gave a nod. He shuffled in place for a moment, looking around. "I suppose I will be going now, unless you want me to stay for breakfast."

Lightning thought about it, not too long but certainly fairly hard. "If you want to, and you don't have anything else you need to take care of, I don't really mind," she eventually said. "But I'm not sure I have anything ready. Feel free to look, maybe I have some eggs and milk. Otherwise we could also go outside and have something together, what do you say?"

Silver was already looking through her cupboards. "How do you feel about bread in the morning?"

"Not usually my thing, but it looks like my stomach isn't threatening to throw out anything I might attempt to swallow this morning so I could give it a shot."


"In the upper shelf."

Silver dug through the cupboards some more, occasionally pulling out something and placing it on the counter. Lightning watched him from her seat, occasionally giving direction or commenting on what else he could grab. They eventually settled on what could reasonably be described as half sandwiches, bread then butter then lettuce then different other things to each's preference. Silver got some cheese on his, and Lighting didn't. They drank orange juice, milk, and some pear juice too.

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