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Journey Through the Dark - Part 13

Twilight slowly opened her eyes. She was having trouble remembering where she was, or how she'd gotten there, and why exactly that hole in her memory was there in the first place. What she did know was that she didn't feel physically uncomfortable, even if somewhat mentally so. And she could hear something. Voices? Her vision began to focus properly on the indistinct shape in front of her.

"Are you okay?" the stallion asked her.

Twilight froze, as memories came properly rushing in. She considered teleporting away immediately, but remained paralysed by shock just long enough to think better of it. "How did I get here?" she asked, horn ready to be used as she rose up from the floor. She acknowledged it had been nice of them to give her a pillow and something to keep her warm, but that alone wasn't enough to justify trusting them yet.

The stallion drew back a little as she stood. "You just appeared here," said the other unicorn as she did the same. "You were already passed out. We don't know how."

Twilight decided it could have been an emergency teleportation she'd done on instinct, if they were telling the truth. It didn't add up completely or make perfect sense, but she had other things to focus on right then. "Who else knows I'm here?" she asked.

"Just us," the stallion said. "As far as we know at least. No one came looking for you or asking about anything."

Twilight nodded to that as well, and moved on to the most important question. "What are you planning to do now?"

The two unicorns looked to each other for a moment. "Depends," said the mare, her confident attitude betrayed by the slight shiver running through her body. "What are you planning to do? We're fine with keeping our mouths shut, but not if you'd get us found out."

Twilight's eyes lingered for a moment on the pony curved over the table, writing almost furiously, then she forgot she'd ever seen any of it. Swallowing, she thought over the situation. If those two had wanted to sell her out to Nightmare Moon, they wouldn't have waited for her to wake up. And even if she'd done so faster than they might have expected, they wouldn't have been asking about her health. It didn't make sense for them to be buying time, anyone they might have called would have gotten there already. Besides all else, they clearly had shown they weren't happy to be there.

She was willing to trust them, then. "I'm going to offer you a deal," she said.

"What kind?" asked the stallion.

"I believe we both have information the other is interested in," Twilight explained. "You show me the results of your work here and tell me everything you know about them, and I tell you anything you want about where those things are being sent and why she's having you make them. Then I leave, and you can pretend we never met each other."

The two unicorns looked at each other again, thinking things through. Finally they both turned back towards her again, and the mare spoke first. "Who are you?"

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