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Stella, lying on the floor, looked up at Twilight staring down at her, and seeing her. Seeing her fully, without any alterations, without any filters. There was sadness on Twilight's face, and Stella took it for pity, and it disgusted her. "You," she rattled weakly from the ground.

Twilight's expression did not change. "The thing is, I didn't put that there." She eyed the opening in the wall beside her just slightly. "I think Pinkie did, with some help." She looked back at Stella. "You probably assumed that I wouldn't, and you had to have the whole place checked before our meeting in case someone else did. I think you forgot to account for her."

The sound of the blast had been heard past the confines of the hallway, and soon others came rushing in to see. Sunburst was the first, being the closest, just barely out the door he'd walked through. He threw it open and stepped in, but stopped in his tracks as he saw Stella on the ground. For just a split second he feared for Twilight, before seeing her still standing where he'd left her, then his eyes focused properly on the other and he couldn't prevent himself from flinching backwards at her conditions.

Stella refused to look at him, and did her best to keep him confined only to the edges of her vision. She tried to lift herself off the ground, but her front leg was bent wrong where it met the rest of her body and she couldn't get it to push her up. Her wings couldn't manage to lift her weight in that position, neither by pulling against the air nor by pushing against the ground. Her hind legs kicked weakly behind her, finding no purchase against the smooth crystal floor.

More came in the corridor through the doors, finding no one to stop them and seeing those in front of them doing the same. Some averted their eyes at the sight, some kept back from Twilight as Sunburst approached her. Stella had to crane her neck, both to keep him out of sight and to keep everyone else there too. She tried to speak, but only coughing came out.

As farther down the corridor Celestia spread her wings just slightly enough to give a clear signal to everyone behind her to not approach Twilight, Sunburst arrived in front of Stella and looked down at her. "What should I do?" he asked quietly to the mare at his side.

Twilight's eyes didn't move away from Stella's, to the point the two of them could see each other reflected in the other's eyes. One of them hated the sight, but still forced herself to hold her gaze. Twilight exhaled, slowly and deeply, and her whole body seemed to deflate along with it. She hesitated a moment, then spoke quietly. "Have her healed if you can, and imprison her."

Sunburst slowly nodded. But before either of them could do anything else, and before Stella herself could show or attempt any reaction to their words, the body on the floor vanished instantly into thin air.

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