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Chrysalis unlocked the door to the stallion's house and stepped inside. And immediately she froze, seeing the scene in front of her.

Stellaria passed her by, closing the door behind them, and took a seat on the couch. "Oh, that? I thought it would be best to start moving out of the old base as soon as possible, so I had her pack everything up and leave. With camouflage spells, and a few other tricks, no one noticed anything." She opened the beige-coloured briefcase now resting on the table in front of her, and began to look through its contents.

Chrysalis was still frozen in shock, eyes nervously drifting from Stella to Suri, who was standing motionless near a wall and looking at her with empty eyes.

"I picked up on a few mind control spells and charms," Stella explained without looking at Chrysalis. "She'll head out tonight, be on her way to her home, and in a day she'll have forgotten all about everything that happened. All replaced with fake memories, unless someone looks inside her head it will be impossible to tell."

Chrysalis swallowed, and finally took a few steps into the house, undoing her disguise. "I see." She had to force the words out of her mouth, her throat suddenly dry.

Stella looked towards her, smirking. "Is something wrong, mum?"

One of Chrysalis's eyelids began to twitch, completely outside of her control, and her breathing grew faster. "It's nothing," she managed to push out, her body shaking only slightly less than her voice was. She tried to make her way to the kitchen, but every step felt like trying to move through a swamp.

"Oh, really?" Stellaria's smile only grew wider. "Well, that's nice to know, mommy. That's very nice to know."

Chrysalis had almost made it to the kitchen, where she was planning to have her breakdown in relative peace. Probably cry some. She just had to pass the doorway. Suri was standing right next to it. The changeling barely had time to register the incoming hit, and a moment later she was pressed against the wall, the air knocked out of her lungs, held there by more strength than she'd ever guessed the earth pony would possess.

Stella's steps echoed in the dark and silent room, as she very calmly made her way to the other two creatures in it. "Chrissy. Dear Chrissy. You should know better than to lie to your daughter."

A moment later Chrysalis was on the kitchen floor, every part of her body in pain from Stella's magic blast. None of it would actually leave any damage. It was just meant to cause pain, and it was a brutally efficient spell at that. The changeling grit her teeth and shut her eyes, heart beating faster and faster.

"I can't go too hard on you today," Stella said. "Not when I still need you in working condition for tomorrow. Still... Trying to hypnotise the ponies I allowed you to capture and feed on so they would turn on me?" She stomped on Chrysalis's neck with one of her hind legs. "I can't just let that one go." Her eyes shone with the light reflected from her glowing horn, and she fired another blast.

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