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"I'll write a message," Applejack said, "tell them to be careful, but there's not really much we can do. Regrouping now would mean letting their forces advance, and we don't have enough to push through the cracks instead."

"It's still best for them to be aware of things." Pinkie looked down the road again and began to walk. "There's a group on the right farther ahead. Hopefully they don't give us trouble."

The ponies and pony-like creations of Sunburst's coil followed behind Pinkie, looking around alert for any other signs of danger. "Sunburst and the others in the tower are alright," Applejack quietly announced at a point. "Princess Celestia too."

"Have you tried asking him if he can put out more of those things?" Pinkie asked before climbing up another building. Despite the sounds of fighting around them and despite the road they were travelling on being fairly large, it remained quiet and empty, which kept the group tense. It shouldn't have been like that, and at any moment things could change.

"They've talked about it already," Applejack replied. "He ain't feeling up to it, and I trust him. I don't think he'd let the town get destroyed just because he was feeling a little tired."

Pinkie dropped back down. "It's not going to be easy," she said. "Lots of guards near the portal. They're keeping it guarded."

"We don't need to beat them all." Applejack looked to the unicorn there with them. "Just to get close enough."

"We do need to make it out alive." Pinkie pondered the way forward, whether to keep going down the road or to pass through an alleyway to the side. "Someone needs to use the Elements. We'll get there too soon for any other group to have made it here, we can't really safely do this on our own without Starshine's help. We should call for her at least, but I doubt she'll manage to come soon."

"If I may," the unicorn spoke up. "I think we could make it if we're fast enough. They're obviously keeping the portal safe, but it's unlikely they're specifically guarding against what we're planning. If we maybe create a distraction, and use all our forces defensively, it's doable."

"It's risky," Pinkie said. "And remember we're not the only ones attempting this. Twilight might have already been done with it if she hadn't been forced to fly back in. I honestly think it would be best to just keep the soldiers here busy until another group sorts things out." She headed down the alleyway.

Applejack followed her, unicorn and constructs in tow. "That doesn't sound like you." She got a little closer and spoke a little quieter. "Is there something you're not telling us?"

"I have a bad feeling about this," Pinkie said. "I have a bad feeling about the moment Nightmare Moon is going to burst out of the bubble Luna put her in, and I have a bad feeling about what's going to happen to you and the others if we're not careful."

"You wouldn't jeopardise the entire thing just for a feeling," Applejack said. She was neither angry nor speaking in an accusatory manner, rather she was worried too. "We'll see how bad things are there. Maybe Starshine will be available to help."

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