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Sunburst held onto a doorframe, and breathed a sigh of slightly confused relief when the tower stopped shaking and falling over to the side. He let himself go and landed in the corner between the wall and what had been the floor, and looked up. "Is everyone okay?"

"I am," Trixie replied from the room she was still inside of. "Everyone else looks like it too."

One of the guards that had been with them in the room slid out through the door, then one by one Trixie and the other two guards did as well. "No official communication yet. Any idea what might have happened?" one of them asked.

"None." Looking around, Sunburst noticed a few guards dropping out of nearby rooms and beginning to make their way towards them. "We should probably leave though. If they hit the palace they might hit it again. I'll try to call Starshine for help."

"Hopefully Princess Celestia is okay," another guard said.

Suddenly, a grey pegasus appeared beside them. She appeared a little too high given the tilted floor, and slid down against the wall. Finding her footing again, she looked around until she spotted Sunburst. "Sombra severed the lower end of the building," she explained. "Twilight stopped it from falling, but you should still leave. Shining and Cadence are currently dealing with Sombra. They figured it would be faster to send me than to write it all out. They will be waiting for you on the lower floors." In a blink she was gone again.

"I thought we'd shielded the place," one of the guards commented while another fetched her communicator to tell everyone else in the building what to do.

"We did," Sunburst said, beginning to attempt to walk down the askew hallway. "It was mostly meant to protect against projectiles and spells from around town and mostly in the top portions of the building. Powerful shielding spells can't just be kept up for free, it's evident whatever Sombra did it was stronger than what we'd prepared for."

The others began to follow him, joined by other ponies from the rest of the floor and the ones above making their way down. "Couldn't we have prepared for more?" asked one of them, almost annoyed.

"Preparing for a scenario where the enemy is right in the centre of town hitting hard enough to topple your tallest building means wasting resources preparing for a situation in which you've probably already lost," said another, older guard. "Prince Shining and his wife are already taking care of the culprit, and that should prove that the overall plan was sound."

The younger guard didn't look too convinced by the second half of the argument, probably due to having been in a building about to fall over just moments prior, but he stayed grumpily silent. Another one piped up, looking at a message she'd just received. "Princess Celestia is safe," she said. "She is being escorted to the lower floors, and was not hurt by the accident. She still has not fully recovered, but her conditions have improved somewhat."

"That is good news." Sunburst stared at a flight of stairs, one that almost didn't look like it was even heading down anymore, then began to push his way up what had been the floor to reach them.

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