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See Where It Takes You To

A plain, empty grey room, four identical smooth metal walls each with a door. The portal was the only other thing there as Twilight stepped through it. She looked around, and breathed in. At least the air was clear there. She paced around the room for a few moments, inspecting it, her horn lit to detect any magic that might be there.

Nothing as far as she could tell. She moved to the closest door, and ready to react to anything that might have been on the other side she opened it. A room identical to the one she was in greeted her, only different in its lack of a portal. It was otherwise completely empty, and indistinguishable from the other. Twilight stepped in it, cautious yet curious, and left the door open behind her.

Again, her magic detected nothing in the room. With increasing curiosity she reached for the door on the opposite wall and opened that too, to find another still identical room. Then she turned around and, after checking to make sure she could still see the room with the portal, went for the door to her left. Again it was just like the previous ones, and there she picked the right door. Not even surprised that the new room was once more like all the others, she went right again and ended up in the room with the portal, as she should have.

Just to double check that the place did indeed seem to follow regular spatial geometry, Twilight released a spark of light from her horn and, standing still in the room with the portal, guided it backwards along her path to see it once more reappear through the first door she'd opened. That out of the way, she turned to one of the doors she still hadn't opened and charged her horn. A spell fired from it, passed through the door, and opened it, along with every other one it met in its path as it continued to sail forward through the air.

As far as Twilight's eyes could see, every room seemed identical to every other one, and a quick accelerated trip through a hundred or so of them and back confirmed they were indeed all the same. Twilight repeated the process for the last door, with the same results, and then moved to a nearby room where once again she did the same with the two remaining doors in it, again finding only copies of the one she was in.

She walked back to the portal. True, she could maybe try to go farther and see if eventually something changed. But that didn't seem like a particularly worthwhile time investment. It would take hours at least to properly check everything, and months even depending on how large the place was. And that was all assuming it had an end, which Twilight eerily suspected it might have not.

Mulling over her thoughts for a while longer, she headed back to the portal, and left the room.

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