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"Hello?" Rarity called out. "Is anypony there?"

Nothing answered but the wind. And an indistinct growling somewhere close but not too close. She ignored that and focused on the wind, but it did convince her to stop yelling. And it did convince her to walk in the direction opposite where she thought she'd heard the sound come from.

She'd not yet ran into anypony. It had been at least a few minutes, and she was starting to get somewhat worried about the whole situation. More worried than just the perfectly reasonable amount of worry she was experiencing in general. She was walking towards the general direction she'd seen the darkness spread from, only because she'd figured if everypony saw that and did the same they'd eventually run into each other, but she was getting a little nervous about what else she might run into.

What else could even be out there? Enemy soldiers for sure, and mutated ponies too, but who knew what more might have been lurking around. And there wasn't much she could do against any of those threats. She'd been there to use the Elements, but with that possibility gone she wasn't really all too useful. She wasn't a fighter, she wasn't really good at healing, she wasn't even all that great at running. There had been a reason others had been defending her while she just sat around watching things happen. She wasn't completely defenceless of course, but the threats one could face during daily life were hardly comparable to what she could run into there.

She quickened her steps a little. Just a little. Her eyes darted around, but still there was nothing for her to see besides the rubble and the winds blowing. They'd messed up her mane, but that was hardly the time to care about that. While stepping past the base of what had been a wall however she stopped momentarily, noticing something in the rubble. She picked it up in her magic. A picture frame, partly broken, the photo still inside even if half torn. A family of five. She set it down, regretfully so, she really couldn't afford to carry it around. She looked around at what was left of the house. The crumbled walls, the furniture destroyed to the point it wasn't recognisable anymore.

She shook herself out and began to walk again. No time to dwell on it. All those ponies were safe, even if their homes were gone. They'd rebuild. If things went well at least. He eyes turned to the sky in front of her. It was hard to tell if what she saw were lights from the battle still happening above the heart of the Empire, or just part of the storm raging around them. It was hard to tell if a battle still was happening there, if Twilight was still there and if she was winning or losing.

She picked up her pace again, again looking carefully around her and listening for anything that might be close by. There wasn't much she could do, but she could hope, and make sure she herself would survive through it. So she'd just do that, and hope.

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