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The reaction on Stella's part was immediate. Her spell fizzled out, and though the barrier around her remained she lowered herself to the ground, staring at Twilight. "What do you mean?" she asked through rigid jaws. As the fight came to a momentary halt, the other ponies there present, all the remaining Elements barring Applejack, could get a good look at the conditions the two alicorns were in. The signs and marks the battle had left on their bodies were evident even from afar.

"I said you win," Twilight repeated. "You beat me. You're the stronger between the two of us." She took a few heavy breaths, trying to steady herself, and held Stella's gaze. "I don't see a point in continuing this. Not when it's only going to lead to more destruction, and to more damage done to the one who'll remain when we're done."

There was a jitter to Stella's body, an unquiet trembling playing around her frame. "If you're trying to trick me again, don't think I'll fall for it!" she said, not fully convinced Twilight really was lying.

"No tricks." Twilight dropped her shield, and let her horn go completely unlit. "I'm even willing to let you take my life. Or my freedom, if you'd rather keep me prisoner. Whatever you decide now, I won't oppose to it, and I will ensure the same is true for everyone else." She took another, even deeper breath. She was beginning to shake, either from the situation or from her adrenaline running out and her mind catching up to her body's pain. "I have only one request."

Stella waited for a moment, still on her guard, still surrounded by her shield, not approaching. "What do you want?" She sounded nervous, annoyed.

"Don't hurt anyone else. Not my friends, not your subjects, not another innocent creature." Twilight closed her eyes, then opened them again, her expression determined. "I don't care what happens to me, as long as I know for sure everyone else will be safe from you. Safe thanks to you. Protect this world's creatures like I would have. It's all that I ask."

Stella's expression was half confused, half a mask of incredulous laughter. "What are you talking about?" she yelled. "Have I hit you on the head too hard? Are you insane?"

"I'm very sane, actually," Twilight said calmly. "I'm simply making the best choice I can make. The most rational one. You're better than me. Stronger, smarter, more efficient. That's why I've been losing to you, despite making it an unfair fight. If you refuse to collaborate, if you really believe one of us needs to be gone, then Equestria has better chances with you than with me. As long as you swear to me, as long as I know for sure no one will be hurt because of this, I'm okay with giving up." She stared into Stella's eyes. "I know I could trust you to be good, if you took my place. Just promise."

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