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Otty, as Pinkie had called him, pulled himself up from the floor and shook his head. "Hey, Pinkie. Sorry about disappearing like that. How long was I away for?"

"A couple of months," Pinkie said.

"Oh." The stallion looked much less weirded out by that than Twilight reasoned he should have been. "I do hope Wick won't be missing me too much." He shook his head and looked to Pinkie again. "Did I miss anything important?"

"You missed the war," said Pinkie. "Though you probably wouldn't have been invited to that either way."

"Oh. You will have to tell me about that." Finally he looked to Twilight, who was busy staring at him and blinking in confusion. The hole in the wall behind him slid shut. He frowned for a moment in concentration. "Princess Twilight Sparkle?" he finally asked, like he really wasn't sure.

Twilight blinked one more time. "That is me, yes. Mind explaining what is happening? We're on a tight schedule, so I'd appreciate if you did so quickly."

"Well, I have been sent here by your self to inform you that there is a pony who looks mostly like you but a slightly different colour who has the power to make herself appear as whatever she wishes to whatever she wants who is currently planning to overthrow, humiliate, and kill you, probably in that order, and who wants to do that last one with me too. Her name's Stellaria, though I think she mainly goes by Stella for short." He leaned forward slightly and looked towards the end of the corridor close to the lab. "And she's right there," he said, pointing a hoof.

Pinkie and Twilight looked in the direction he was pointing towards. "I don't see her," the first said.

"That's because she's hidden," said the stallion. "I think she was meaning to approach you to spy on you." He stepped a little closer to Twilight. "Throw up a shield spell."

Twilight answered that request on pure instinct, and just barely quickly enough to see a magic bolt shatter against the protective dome she threw up around the three of them. "I suggest you teleport us out of here," the stallion then added, and she reacted to that in much the same way.

They found themselves in the middle of the Everfree. Twilight was suddenly aware that she was panting, and a moment later she realised she was sweating, too. She was staring at the ground, trying to process information, when she noticed the stallion staring at her from right next to the side of her face. She turned towards him. "What?"

"Your insides look extremely fascinating," he said candidly. "I've never seen anything like this. I've seen weirder, but never something like this."

Twilight was about tempted to jump on him, but she turned to Pinkie instead. "You know him?"

Pinkie nodded. "He came looking for you a couple of months ago, then he disappeared inside that wall. Hadn't seen him since. Charming company."

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