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Sunburst had found himself a corner to sit down in. It wasn't really a corner, there wasn't really anything like a corner left in the Empire, but it was sort of enough like one that he could feel comfortable sitting there, and it had enough shade for him to sit in. Twilight would come looking for him soon, probably, whenever she got through everything more important she had to deal with before that, but he was fairly sure he had a few minutes to himself. Starlight had gone to meet Twilight, and Trixie was with her, so for a bit he was alone.

He placed a hoof over his chest. It didn't hurt as much, but it still bothered him a little. It wasn't something Celestia could heal, either, he just had to wait it out and avoid exerting himself otherwise. It would probably be all fixed within a couple of days, a week at most, assuming he didn't do anything stupid and nothing else bad happened. All assumptions he couldn't exactly make, but he could be hopeful.

He wasn't fully unable to use his coil however, and neither was he unwilling to. The opposite if anything, but only for one specific thing. It would hurt a little, and they'd need to make sure she didn't use it either for the following days, but as long as he came up with something easy enough to make he should have been able to get over everything without too much trouble. She'd have to go as an earth pony for a while, but right then he just really wanted to see her.

He focused. That was somewhat new, though something he'd been growing increasingly familiar with in the last few days. Not just the act of focusing on what exactly he wanted out of it, that he'd been learning for a while, but more specifically having to actually put in effort to achieve a result. His heart hurt a little, and he clenched his teeth. Some sweat rolled down the side of his head, and his breath grew a little ragged. No worse than a tough run though, nothing worth stopping for. The pain would last for a while, but it would be worth it.

Some steps came from behind his corner. Sunburst didn't turn, instead he waited for her to walk into view. No horn or wings that time. Her mane was a very light brown, almost yellow, short bangs on the front and not much longer on the back. Her tail was the same colour, plain and straight and without stripes.

Her coat was a darker shade of light brown, almost closer to orange, fading to white close to her hooves. Her cutie mark was still the same however, and her eye colour was familiar as well. She looked at Sunburst, then looked over herself. "This is new," she said. "It'll do for a while though." She looked at him again. "Thank you."

Sunburst was still almost panting, but he smiled as he got up, and moved closer to hug Starshine. "Sorry about what happened."

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