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Living in

"Remember when King Sombra mentally took over the whole town and made us march like his own army towards Canterlot?" asked Lyra, before taking another bite out of her sandwich.

Bon Bon stopped sipping on her drink and looked at the other mare. "Kind of hard to forget about that. Why do you ask?"

Lyra swallowed the contents of her mouth. "Do you Twilight knows a spell like that?"

"You mean a mind control spell?" Bon Bon raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Lyra nodded and took another bite into her sandwich.

Bon Bon blinked. "I don't know. Why would she know something like that?"

"Well, she's smart, and she studies a lot," Lyra replied. "She would probably be interested in a spell she's seen used. It could also be a useful one to have in case she ever needs it."

Bon Bon shifted in her seat. "Doesn't it seem kind of... evil? Sombra was probably using dark magic, I wouldn't think the ruler of Equestria would dabble in such a thing."

"Oh, please." Lyra dismissed the other's words with a wave of her hoof. "Alicorns are obviously experts on dark magic. How can you decide what you should and shouldn't put in the restricted sections of the archives if you haven't studied it yourself? How are you supposed to protect your country if you're not familiar with the dangers the forces of evil might pose?"

Bon Bon bit her lip. "I guess you have a point. The princesses would want to study something like that, at least to develop some kind of countercharm. But I don't think studying it means they'd know how to use it themselves, necessarily."

"Twilight totally would though." Lyra took another bite out of her sandwich. "Oh! What if she's already using it and we just don't realise it? What if she has us mind controlled right now?"

Bon Bon's eyes rolled at that. "Why don't you ask her about it?"

Lyra scrunched up her face. "Bonny. You can't just ask someone if they're controlling your mind."

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