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All That Was

"Is that everyone?" Sunset asked.

Trixie nodded. "Everyone important, at least." She wrapped her arm around Rainbow Dash and pulled her in. Rainbow seemed split half and half between being into it and being embarrassed by it.

"That should be everyone, yes," the better looking of the two Raritys confirmed. Her hair was distinctly more well kept, and she was the only one of the two wearing makeup, though it was a little too abundant and not perfectly put on. The Rarity at her side nodded too.

Pinkie was done playing with her knife.

"Is Trixie up to date on the situation?" asked Sunset.

"Mostly," Rainbow replied.

"I know about the magic horse world, and I know about the new portals," Trixie herself said. "Even if Dash still hasn't spilled the details on those. I don't know what any of that has to do with the world shaking yesterday."

"Right." Sunset went to adjust her nonexistent glasses and ended up adjusting her hair instead. "The new portals, and the old one breaking, were the consequences of a... thing arriving in that world."

Trixie quirked an eyebrow, and more possessively pulled Rainbow closer. "A thing?"

"I... Yeah," Sunset replied. "Rarity, can you explain?" she asked, turning to the other pony turned human in the room.

"It just sort of arrived," Rarity said. "All we really know about it is that it's big, and it's not really moving, and it might destroy Equestria at some point. We call it the Behemoth. The Behemoth came to Canterlot last summer and it's been stuck there since."

Trixie just quirked her eyebrow a different way. "Go on," she said towards Sunset, while her hand rested on Rainbow's chest.

Sunset scratched the back of her head. "Well, the thing about yesterday is that the Behemoth isn't exactly not moving anymore. It's not moving right now, but that thing we all felt? That was it taking a step."

Trixie's expression dropped, as did her hand, her arm lying limp on Rainbow's shoulder. "You're telling me that thing took one step in another dimension-"

"And the whole city and beyond felt it like an earthquake," Sunset concluded, "yes. They had it worse on the other side."

Trixie was too busy processing the news to be bothered by the interruption. Pinkie looked weirdly delighted, but nobody was looking at her. Twilight looked about to start twisting her hair with her fingers, and Sunset wrapped an arm around her, her expression rather deflated. Fluttershy looked between the others, covering her mouth with her hands. The human Rarity, while looking somewhat shocked, was still too emotionally numb to properly react to the news, and the pony one was too used to the Behemoth, though she did look worried. Rainbow Dash swallowed, nervous. "What do we do about it?" she asked.

"Twilight is trying to find a solution," Sunset replied. "There's not much we can do besides keep doing what we're doing and finding portals, to make sure nobody accidentally ends up in Equestria." She pressed her knuckles on her forehead for a moment. "But things might get worse. And if that thing moves again we might be dealing with more than just something that feels like an earthquake."

Trixie swallowed. She wasn't really sure of what to say, though, so instead she just hugged Rainbow with her arm. A proper hug, for once. Rainbow hugged her back. The unicorn Rarity did the same with her human counterpart, and Sunset did the same with Twilight. Dropping her smirk, Pinkie leaned forward and hugged Fluttershy, the friendly kind of hug. "I'll see what I can tell the others about this," Twilight said.

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