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Catch some Sunlight

Sunset gave her ice-cream cone a lick, leaning back into the bench and looking at Twilight. "How's the research going?"

"Not well." Twilight adjusted her glasses, slightly pushing them back, then moved a strand of stray hair out of the way, and finally moved to lick her own ice-cream. "I can't find a pattern of any kind."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually." Sunset moved her free hand to pat Twilight's head. Then she looked back at the cone she held in the other. "Well, at least it won't melt too quickly."

Twilight, a little embarrassed, looked at the park around them, the grass covered in red and yellow leaves and the branches on the trees growing emptier by the day. "Heh. Can you blame me? I spent most of the summer trying to study this thing."

"It's not like we forced you to." Sunset licked some more ice-cream. "You're the one who decided she had to go looking for portals from a lab instead of spending time outside having fun."

Twilight adjusted her glasses again, this time from the side. "Well, I think it was necessary. Think about what would have happened if someone accidentally fell into one of them! We can't have people go missing, much less have them turn up in Equestria with no idea of what's happened to them."

"Do you think that ever just happened? I feel like we would have heard about it. It's weird to think no one apparently ever found one with how many there are." Another lick to her ice-cream.

"That's kind of the problem." Twilight let herself fall back on the bench, looking up at the sky with a defeated expression. "No way of telling if the portals were always there, or if it was the Behemoth's arrival that caused so many to appear, or which ones were already there and which weren't." Her expression fell even further. "For all we know, half of those could be my fault."

"Hey now." Sunset lightly punched Twilight's shoulder to get her attention. "For all we know, the other half could be my fault instead."

"It doesn't matter how many times you try it, Sunset," Twilight said, still looking up at nothing, "the 'your girlfriend turned into a magic demon monster thing too' strategy doesn't work nearly as well as you think it does."

"Oh, fair," Sunset said with a pout and a tone that matched it. She licked her ice-cream again. "At least my girlfriend looked hot when she did."

That finally got Twilight's eyes to point towards Sunset. "Every time we talk about the time I almost destroyed this world and yours, the only thing you can add to the conversation is that I looked sexy while doing it. I swear, you're impossible." She finally sat straight again, and bit into her ice-cream.

Sunset shrugged. "I always had a thing for bad girls. That's what you have that the other Twilight doesn't. That, and the glasses. And you know how to use hands."

After a moment of chewing on her ice-cream, Twilight replied, "Okay, fine. You looked pretty sexy too when you did the whole light angel thing." She was about to take another bite, but she stopped and began to turn towards Sunset, asking, "Wait, when you say I know how to-" Her words died in a choked sputter.

Sunset kept her eyes locked on Twilight's, her expression a mask of faux innocence, as she finished giving a long, deep lick at the flat top of her ice-cream cone, partly digging her way into it. "Yes, Twilight?" she asked, before licking her own lips clean as slowly as possible.

Twilight just blinked. Then she gave a look around the park. Then her geode lit up.

Author's Note:

Proofreading by IncongruousAndHarmonious

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