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Blue Sky

"Me?" Starlight asked, stopping and drawing back a little.

Turning to look at her, Twilight nodded with a smile. "I'm going to be busy with supervising research here in Ponyville, and you're the pony I trust most for the job."

Starlight hesitated. "Are you sure? I'm not sure if I can... I mean, if you want to, I'll be happy to, it's just..."

"I'm sure you can do it, Starlight." Twilight put a hoof on the other mare's shoulder. "I'll come check on things every once in a while, but I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job by yourself."

Starlight deliberately breathed a little slower to calm herself. She wasn't usually one to freak out much at responsibility, but it was a big task and she was still recovering from the stress of everything prior, so it was getting to her a little. "Thank you, Twilight. I'll make sure to do my best."

"I'm sure it will be far more than enough," Twilight replied as she resumed her walk. "It'll be far from any major settlement. Causing accidents is not the intended purpose, but it's always better to be safe than sorry with this sort of thing. I hope having to stay there for a while won't be too much of a bother for you."

"It shouldn't be a problem, I've always taken well to moving," said Starlight, once again following Twilight. She looked around herself. "Leaving this place for a while might actually help me feel better about things."

"Hopefully that will be the case, then." Twilight stopped in front of the door to one of the rooms. "Do you want to review the data I gathered from the Behemoth with me, and work on some other stuff?"

Starlight looked at the door, then smiled at Twilight. "With pleasure. It's good to be back to work again."

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