• Member Since 4th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen June 27th

shy sad jaded shard

um well hmm i make futtershy look like the soul-shell butterfly (and yes i know my grammer and spelling are crimes agents the wrighting word i now this far better then you ever could thanks)


just found this · 4:16pm May 5th, 2020

Report shy sad jaded shard · 169 views ·
Comments ( 105 )
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293291 I binged it in like two or three days though every time he talks I can't help but hear Jim Sterling doing the vocie

Thanks for Favoriting and liking Skeletor, Master of the Empire. Glad to know that you've enjoyed it so far.

Thank you for adding How I Ended Up Living With Six Pony Girls? to your favorites. Hope you keep enjoying it. ^^

No problem I liked the show for the most part and I find you take on it enjoyeble and how it differs from the show in ways wilhile still hitting some of the same plot points but from different angles it's amazing how a small change can snowball


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what I'm reading now? (I think)
