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"I have one last request to make," said Twilight. "I cannot back away from this fight, and I can't surrender. I have nothing to hold against you to shape your decision. But I still ask that you respect my wishes should you win, and take care of Equestria and its citizens as I would have, or better. I ask that you don't hurt my friends and loved ones. I'm aware nothing of what I could do will force you to follow through with that, but I still wanted you to know."

Stella was utterly unimpressed with her words. "You care too much about others, Twilight. You rely too much on them. That's why you're weak. Too comfortable in the way others will come to help to ever better yourself, too easily manipulated by targeting those you care for."

"I would have liked to know more about you, and about how you came to be," Twilight said. "It's a shame I won't. I hate you for what you've done, but I pity you too. You're a sad creature and I wish I could have helped you, instead of having to fight you. But the things you have done, I can't forgive."

"You know so little," Stella mocked her. "I can't say you were wrong in thinking I will lead Equestria better than you. You think you're clever, and it's quite pathetic, frankly. Using Lyra to signal you things at the beginning of our encounter? Did you think I wouldn't notice that? Did you think I ever acted honestly there? You've been working off false information, dear." She twisted her neck left to right and back, with a cracking sound. "Now enough with games. It's time to get serious."

Twilight, a sad expression on her face, looked the other in the eyes, then at her wounds. "I suppose there's some irony in it," she spoke, barely audible to Stella. "If you wish to lie to yourself this much, then so be it." She readied her horn.

Starlight had seemingly calmed down a little, inside of her bubble. She was still frowning and breathing too quickly, but one could easily chalk that up to the general nervousness the situation brought. She was far from the only one looking with worry at the two alicorns. Her subtle shaking was a little harder to justify with just that, and if anyone had been close enough to see they'd have noticed the peculiar way in which she looked at Stella specifically, but from outside she didn't even look like she was the most worried about what was happening.

Celestia's expression was grave, if contained, but still heavy when accounting is for her usual restraint. Fluttershy was barely peeking out from behind her mane, torn between not wanting to see what would happen and needing to know. Rainbow had repeatedly tried banging against the surface of her sphere, to no avail, and her face looked a mixture of angry and dejected. Rarity's eyes were wide and glued to Twilight, her expression frozen. Cadence was still furious, but still with hints of deep worry about her sister-in-law. Shining's expression hovered between a frown and something more neutral, shifting slightly every moment, as he hoped with all his heart Twilight would make it. Pinkie looked more bothered than sad, but still clearly understanding of the gravity of the situation. Sunburst was more focused on Stella than on Twilight, and his expression was plainly worried, though he was too concentrated to take notice of it.

Stella looked towards the sky for a moment. It was clear. Only a few clouds. She looked down again. There was something odd about her expression. Like something behind her face had taken on to turning and clicking in place. Like she was really happy about something, but keeping it a secret, like she'd had some sort of realisation. "Go ahead," she said, staring at Twilight. "Make the first move." Her horn was just barely shimmering, ready but not charged.

Twilight swallowed, and hesitated. It was dangerous. Most definitely a trap. Stella wouldn't just give her a free shot. She was planning to deflect it in some way, or otherwise counter it, and take advantage of that. That much was obvious. And yet, Twilight had to attack somehow, if she wanted to win. Quickly, too, Stella wouldn't give her long. She took deep breaths, clearing her mind and steeling her resolve as she thought through her possibilities. Then her horn grew brighter, and finally erupted.

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