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"Why do your manes flow like that?"

Celestia was on the balcony, looking out towards the stars in the night sky as her multicoloured mane waved behind her despite the lack of any wind or breeze. She was silent and motionless for a moment at the question, then slowly turned her head back, frowning, as if she hadn't expected or understood Twilight's words, or in some other way had been slighted.

Twilight looked at her expression, for once unsure of what was going through Celestia's head not because she hid it from her face but because she could not piece it together despite how clearly it showed. "What?" she asked, confused.

Celestia opened her mouth, then closed it, then shifted in place. She stood after a few more seconds, as her expression relaxed but still maintained some of its tension, and she walked into the room. The door closed behind her and the curtains were drawn, and she set the lamps to burn a little brighter as she sat down beside Twilight. "Do you understand the weight of your question?"

Twilight looked at her, dumbfounded, almost wondering if it was some elaborate joke. It could be, Celestia was no stranger to humour, but it was still peculiar for her to react that way. But if it was a joke then she'd get to the bottom of it by playing along, and if it wasn't then it was best she treat it seriously. "Evidently not," she said.

Celestia looked at her, keeping her close and partly draping a wing over her back. "It is one of the deepest secrets of this world," she said. Her tone was serious, reminiscent of the one she used as a teacher on those lessons she wanted her students to remember. "Let me tell you a story. A legend, one ancient and known by few. It talks of the Gate of Life."

Twilight listened on with almost childish fascination. "I've seen mentions of that, in other myths or texts. It's a belief that predates Equestria."

"It does. No one really knows how ancient its myth truly is. In the oldest texts and testimonies we have found, it was already there. It was already a relic of a far past when I first drew breath. No one knows where the place is supposed to be. No one knows what it truly is, though its role is clear. The gate all lives pass through, into the world and out of it. It's a primordial kind of myth." Celestia was looking into the distance. "The legend goes that a wind blows through it, never resting, never ceasing. The legend goes that those who stand highest above this world, those closest to what may lie beyond, they still can feel it, even far from it. That would be why."

Twilight listened on. "And is it true?" she asked, twitching in anticipation and marvel.

Celestia looked down at her, a conflicted look in her eyes. "I don't have the faintest clue."

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