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Lemon Zest was busy working her way through a tub of caramel ice-cream with a spoon. The kind that had bits of caramel all throughout. She was about halfway through, with no hints of wanting to stop. Indigo was busy looking at her and wondering what biological mystery allowed her to gorge herself in ways that would have made a pig blush and still come out of it thin as she was. Ninety percent of what Lemon ate seemed to evaporate into the aether, and the remaining ten percent all went to her ass or tits. Indigo wasn't complaining about that, but she was still very much fascinated by it. What she was somewhat bothered by was how quickly she chewed through food sometimes, the stuff wasn't exactly the cheapest. Then again, money wasn't an issue, they wouldn't have gone to Crystal Prep otherwise. Especially not for Indigo herself, though as she understood it Lemon's family wasn't doing poorly either. Something about selling gems or something, but the girl rarely acknowledged her parents.

"Do you think something's ever going to pop out of that portal?" Indigo asked.

Lemon downed another whole spoon before turning to her. "Nothing has so far. I hope not, but I have no idea. We should ask Twilight."

"And get it taken away?" Indigo rolled her eyes as Lemon went back to eating. "It is weird nothing has come through so far. I get air doesn't really pass through it so the wind isn't going to push in any dust... Wait, no, that doesn't make sense. Anyway, that aside it's weird there aren't even any bugs. You'd think sooner or later something would, just by chance."

"Maybe we just haven't noticed." Lemon held her spoon up and vaguely underlined each possibility by moving it as she thought through things. "Maybe it's a little above the ground and things don't walk into it. Maybe bugs sense something is off and stay away from it. And, I don't know, maybe dust doesn't come through either. It turns us into horses and back while keeping the clothes, it's magical. Good luck trying to find logic in it."

"I guess you do have a point there, the clothes stuff is too much of a headache. I imagine if Sunny was here she'd spend hours testing out just that." Indigo let herself fall backwards into her bed. "I guess I should just be happy it doesn't spit us back out naked or something."

Lemon nodded and hummed in approval, her mouth full of ice-cream again. She swallowed. "Oh, by the way, that reminds me. Did I tell you of that time the Moon horse saw me naked?"

Indigo opened her mouth first, then took a few seconds to actually process through all the information in that sentence. Eventually she settled on what to say. "What?"

"I'll take that as a no," said Lemon before eating some more ice-cream. "Do I need to explain the whole magic Moon dream horse thing too?"

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